7 November 2006

More CrazyChester!

| johnboy
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RiotACT’s favourite nutter is back with more of the abuse that only in her altered reality would evoke sympathy or assistance.

According to her deeply disturbed blog it seems the powers that be are struggling bravely to protect the community from her.

Some highlights from her solitary posting:

“1) Why did a matter usually dealt with by summons, warrant four police officers and a paddy wagon in my case?
2) Why did these officers claim the matter would “just be a mention” when they knew this to be untrue?
3) Why did these officers urge me to leave everything, including my mobile phone, at home based on their false claim that the matter would “just be a mention”?
4) Why wouldn’t Magistrate Madden permit me to see any of the evidence presented in court?
5) Why did Magistrate Madden ask, unprompted by the prosecution, if there were mental health issues relating to me? Who is responsible for the document handed up to Magistrate Madden that apparently questioned my mental stability? Why am I not allowed to see it?
6)Why did Magistrate Madden order I be transported to the secure Psychiatric Unit at Canberra Hospital for a psychiatric assessment?

A big shout-out to the folks in Corrective Services who freaked her out by calling her Crazy Chester, keep up the good work guys and girls, you’ll get there in the end.

I for one would support special CrazyChester legislation if it turns out we need it.

(BTW CC if you can’t at least put your magic video on YouTube excuse us for not wanting to give you our real identities]

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that’ll explain why she is flea free bonfire

id like to watch it, but if she reckons im supplying my contact details to her shes fucking nuts.

i’d advise anyone reading this blog not to give her your details.

because what you really need is to be worked into her bizarre delusions and become part of her conspiracy fantasies.

so i’ll pass for now.

unless she uploads to youtube.

i wonder if it includes her being capsicum sprayed at the watch house ?

where is the link ?

Has anyone watched her camera footage???

Meanie :P~

nope – its mine – you cant have it 😛

Danman, I want your job! :P~

read now not no – and like terubo – I work* 0700 till 1500 – got to love that

* No actual work involved

Vancouver – I used to be a chef – no I sit on my arse – do less and get paid more. Gotta love that. Your just Jealous 🙂

Vancouver, you sedate old pudding,
Perhaps it hasn’t occurred to you that some of us have to work hours outside the standard and cosy 9-5 that plodders like you do?

god, don’t any of you people work – how do you find time to spend all day on the computer arguing such senseless trash? Wish I had a job where I could take so much time off while at work!!

Al, sorry. I was typing faster than I was reading. I get like that sometimes.

Mael, hell no.

Thank God I went to my meeting….things have quietened down. Besides, after listening to inane bullshit at work, I couldn’t take it on here :P~


The other thread is in Seedier Side of Life under Return of Crazy Chester.

Arrrgh!! Now I am Crazy!1 I do not see the other CC thread when I go to the Home page, nor when I click on Health and Medicine or Law and Justice or Conspiracy Theories. What gives?

Sorry if I caused offence everyone, but this happened the other day with the Anatov airplane: for several hours it no longer was on the Home Page.

Absent Diane4:01 pm 08 Nov 06

i was going to leave that one alone simto… funny nonetheless

Of course Santa exists.

He posts here regularly….

oh hasnt anyone told you he doesnt yet?..

Ha ha, yeah right Kenny Koala’s a puppet.

Next you’ll be telling me that Santa doesn’t exist.

Strange man that one… reminds me of that teacher off south park who has that “mr hat” or whatever its called!

Song of the day – Lazy Sunday Afternoon(ah) by Small Faces – and I quote – “Got no time for worries – close my eyes and drift a-way”

hahaa… what a great idea Thumper…
I think I’ll also pour myself a rum and coke while I’m at it!

Random quote time –

I would not be alive today if it was not for metallica……


A year in the life of metallica Pt 2 (before they sold out IMO) Circa ~1992

if we are having a blame game – I blame the police too – and in particular the guy who has his hand up the bum of Constable Kenny Koala

Absent Diane3:17 pm 08 Nov 06

I blame mrs evil.

Oh my God, what has happened to everyone today? You’re all so angry and paranoid: everyone stay calm and don’t panic! 🙂

Personally, I blame the Police for this.

CE, you’re not wrong there. But that’s not inconsistent with what I said.

Re: “Al sod off”
Nyssa, you miss my point completely – it was a compliment!
I was saying that you and CC are nothing alike. You I understand. CC: nup.
Ah the joys of communicating by text…
I blame George Gregan.

I could be wrong as I am only human, but I do believe Ari gave Nyssa a link to look at

Wow. This thread has given me entirely new insights into much of the readership of this site, and my opinions have subsequently been… updated.

For the record, I don’t think it’s out of line for Nyssa to ask Ari for a reference to back up a statement she doubts the validity of. (Do the rest of you really think that’s unreasonable?)

Aww Danman loves you all – Especially Nyssa – Crazy Chester and Areaman – and trees with mugs on them.

Time for a group hug people.

Ahh the good old days … Maelinar v Areaman … topic Foskey-gate.

Excuse me for trying to fathom the depths of the CC saga. I shall now bow out quietly and go water my teacup tree with my Wedgewood teapot.
-But only between 7 & 10pm.

Hmm, subjective identities being discussed eh ?

I reckon Nyssa is Areaman.

Areaman has been quiet for about as long as Nyssa has been around, and had a tendency to rabbit on without doing any research.

The next thing will of course be that Nyssa will only read what she wants to read, even though the contradictory evidence will be in the next sentence down etc.

Of course, RA needs a rabidly ranting leftie – keeps the place interesting.

Dont waste your time Ari… its rather pointless 🙁

Nah, I just have better things to do Ari than to chase up YOUR facts.

Speaking of which, I am off for a meeting.

No sweat, Nyssa, facts clearly make you uncomfortable.

Ari, you wouldn’t know what I would do.

You quoted a “fact” – back it up. Or shut up.

Pandy, try the other thread. AD’s right re: 2 threads on CC running today.

I suggest you try following the links before throwing accusations around

Absent Diane1:47 pm 08 Nov 06

there has been two threads running today.

Johnboy, Where all of CCs crazy rants from today? And i am sure I posted in this thread around 7:30am this morning.

I don’t recall the Riot-ACT bylaws that require all statements to be fully referenced.

Not that you would adhere to them, Nyssa.

You brought it up – you back it up. Don’t get me to do your dirty work.

Nyssa there’s shitloads of data about it.

If you have trouble using Google, here’s a start.

Strangely enough DSM-IV includes Substance-Related Disorders and classifies them as an Axis I disorder alongside depression, anxiety, psychosis etc

RG, I see your point.

Yes the therapy session would be interesting.

Hmm according to a web site substance abuse has been linked to mental illness….

“Overview: Use of street drugs (including LSD,methamphetamine,marijuana/hash/cannabis) have been linked with significantly increased probability of developing schizophrenia. This link has been documented in over 30 different scientific studies (studies done mostly in the UK, Australia and Sweden) over the past 20 years. In one example, a study interviewed 50,000 members of the Swedish Army about their drug consumption and followed up with them later in life. Those who were heavy consumers of cannabis at age 18 were over 600% more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia over the next 15 years than those did not take it. (see diagram below). Experts estimate that between 8% and 13% of all schizophrenia cases are linked to marijuna / cannabis use during teen years.”

I’m sorry but schizophrenia is a form of mental illness. So I guess after all in one way it can be something you do to yourself.

Just taking the piss Nyssa, chill girlfriend.

I just don’t agree with bagging people out using mental illness as a weapon.

I can agree with that, but it’s not strictly proven in CC’s case now is it? In which case it’s more of a general insult than a weapon.

If intense vociferous opinions with little to no backing were a case for mental illness, the whole readership would have to be committed forthwith.

Would make for enthralling group therapy sessions yes?

Ari, where’s your data to support that statement?

Mental health – no choice if it happens to you.

Druggies – you CHOOSE to do it.

Drug abuse is commonly a form of self medication for mental issues.

But in Nyssa’s world one is worthy of compassion, the other ain’t.


Al, sod off.

Mental illness is not something you do to yourself.

Good on’ya Johnboy. You deleted CC’s posts and mine from this morning. What about censoring the whole thread? By encouraging the masses will only make them go blind.

I have no idea what you’re gibbering about, are you looking in the right place?

I’m sick of the censorious paranoid lot of you whining about how we run the site.

But when we do remove comments we normally leave a note to that effect.

“I just don’t agree with bagging people out using mental illness as a weapon.”

But it’s OK to use their substance abuse as a weapon.

If CC and Nyssa are the same person then we have true evidence of split personalities!

RG try again, your sleuthing skills need help.

I just don’t agree with bagging people out using mental illness as a weapon.

Good on’ya Johnboy. You deleted CC’s posts and mine from this morning. What about censoring the whole thread? By encouraging the masses will only make them go blind.

I’m actually thinking Nyssa and CC may be the same person actually.

It’s the equal sense of entitlement to prostration to their opinion that gives it away.


Then again I keep thinking of Cartman from South Park – “screw you hippie!”

Maybe I’m not a hippie afterall.

Nyssa – You hippie 😛

Danman, I like the teacup in a tree story.

Umm…yeah. Pretty much.

thankyou AD… I have no issue with being slammed here on RA and I cant take it, so I’ll be sticking around and sorry if this upsets anyone!

The fact that CC seems unable to write a coherent argument suggests an alternative reason for failure of examinations.

Who cares what she is – chances are if she was not here everyone would be putting in a solid 7.21 at work.

We at least have to thank her for that

besides – althought this may not be of the opinion of everyone here (and let me stress that a million fold) I find her entertaining – not like she is going to harm me by proxy.

Without her – can you imagine how many posts there would be talking about trees with mugs attached to them.

I dunno – maybe I am just tolerant.

Time to take a deep breath and try to make sense of all the frenzy, folks. CC registered with RA and poured out a load of what’s on her mind…but despite the efforts of some to get her to explain the source of her grievance(s), no simple and focussed rendition has yet been offered.

That, coupled with the sheer volume of hair-tearing invective, not to mention the unfortunate self-inflicted nomenclature of ‘CrazyChester’, has swiftly led to a perception that CC is as mad as a hatter.
-I have my doubts about that, but can understand how the whole episode degenerated from a labelling of CC as nutso to berso to outright psycho – thus offending those on RA who champion the rights of the mentally ill.

So what is the source of – to put it mildly – CC’s “unease”? We should be told.

As far as I can make out, and this is probably a misguided interpretation, it appears to lie in certain events that CC claims to have witnessed within the hallowed walls of CIT’s Media department: events that seem to lead to accusations about jackbooted, lascivious and salivating staff harassing and embarrassing students – even, from the sound of it (as they euphamistically say in SE Asia), “outraging their modesty”.

It would appear that a protest vote (namely CC’s) against this type of salacious behaviour might have led to a form of retaliation involving failure of examinations…but this is where the trail runs cold, as the facts lie buried beneath a heaving morass of vituperation, name-calling and general verbal mayhem.

I think the bigger issue here in regards to postings is that on many sites personal attacks are ‘moderated'(read:deleted), the good folks are smart enough to assume that all will treat others as they would be expected to be treated yourself. In this case (RiotACT) badly!

it’s the “i’ve been here longer than you”, as if that is an argument in its own right rather than something for others to choose to use to apply credence, that I’d rather didn’t take hold.

Absent Diane10:55 am 08 Nov 06

really this is some kind of initiation rite on RA isn’t it. New comer says something that offends people and gets slammed, if they can take it they stick around.. if they can’t they don’t.

sorry no stamp on me that certifies me as “insane”

could expire may be crazy chester

Hehehe, the Terminator act is a hoot.

“mental” is not a particularly (if at all) pejorative term, certainly less so than “crazy” or Raven (as a phonetic equivalent of “raving” loony I presume) terms that she uses to describe/name herself (suggesting that she may have at least some lingering insight, sub-conscious as they may be).

This has made me think there really aren’t enough pejorative terms for crazy people when really it should be such fertile ground for linguistic evolution, I mean look at Intellectual Disability (or whatever the current PC term is) it has spawned many useful pejorative labels which can be used to describe ones colleagues clients and superiors. As a nation I feel we need to pull together to advance the language further than nut, loon, crazy and schizo.

(when did we have to start treating people with respect?)

vg, been there, done that.

CE, take the hint…don’t direct your posts to me.

“CE, sorry mate, I can handle other people’s opinions”

FFS, let him have his then!!

walk away….. no I dont think so!

AD, have you finally reached the present? It’s not “imminent” anymore.

Danman, drop acid not bombs LMAO.

You bring it on, I’ll share 🙂

CE, walk away now.

AD, I suppose you are right.

Your opinion has upset me?… once again sorely wrong!.. LOL
Takes a hell of alot more than some itty bitty comment to upset this black duck!

I got plenty of fuzzy warm cocoa-ey love to share around.

Make love not war.
Drop Acid not bombs 😛

Absent Diane10:29 am 08 Nov 06

this site (apart from local news) is all about being over opinionated, rude and having colourful debates over things we can’t really control. but remember in end we are all just a series of 1’s and 0’s…. so we are all the same 🙂

Danman, you buying?

CE, sorry mate, I can handle other people’s opinions. Check other threads.

Sorry that my opinion on treating people with mental illness with respect has upset you.

I think y’all need a nice hot cup of fuzzy warm cocoa-ey love to share around.

Trying to make new friends am I?… no actually your sorely mistaken there.
I was simply told to come and check this site out by someone.
I simply saw something and I wanted to add my 2 cents to…

Actually screw explaining anything to you… thats all some people have seem to have done this morning… not my problem you cant handle others opinions.
Sad really!

Just proving a point of moronity JB.

Ahem, can we leave our userid rankings at the door?

CE, even vg will tell you that I can hold my own. Jumping on the bandwagon because you want to make new friends is a joke.

Why don’t you back off? You’re 5 seconds on this site doesn’t make you an expert.

vg, I’m not calling your professionalism. Just your choice of words as a private citizen. Take it how you like it.

Oh my gosh arent you a clever little bee for posting lots of stuff… I guess I just dont measure up to you then do I?

You need to go take a cold shower and calm down..
Someone obviously cant handle a little banter here and there or other peoples opinions!

In the countless dealings I have had with dealing with people with a mental illness my professionalism has never been called into question. The last person I dealt with thanked me for getting them the help that no-one else seemed to be able to get them.

I’ll leave it at that

vg, fine you believe she’s dug her own grave, that’s your opinion and it’s ok. But I was commenting on your poor choice of adjective. Nothing else.

It was offensive, but seeing as everyone was “attacking” her, I really didn’t need the same shit – which is happening now.

CouldExpire, obviously “working with” as opposed to “having it” means a lot. Oh guru of mental health, please show us the way.

If you want to turn this into a pissing contest – I’ve been on this site for ages. I post about a lot of subjects. What about you?

“if you cant find humour in human misery, youre not really trying.”

Exactly, Bonfire!

Life would be so much duller if we couldn’t have a laugh at some other idiots and their misfortunes.

Someone who calls themselves ‘Crazy Chester’ and has a public blog full of ravings directed at this site really shouldn’t expect a deal of sympathy from us. The situation may be sad, but I was only making a statement identical to what I have 3 times regarding this person who referred to all of us as Labor lackeys or similiar. It wasn’t that offensive onthe last 2 occasions I made it, so why is it now?

“Easy Nyssa. Bear in mind a large part of the posters attitudes towards this lass probably could be attributed to her own behaviour, whether we see her reaction as justifed or not.”

That is precisely where I’m coming from

aint that the truth!

if you cant find humour in human misery, youre not really trying.

Easy Nyssa. Bear in mind a large part of the posters attitudes towards this lass probably could be attributed to her own behaviour, whether we see her reaction as justifed or not.

If this site was less vicious more people might post more interesting local news.

So I have no clue?

Hmmm I guess my my time working in the NSW health system taught me nothing!

If you dont like the banter or being fed to the jackals, then can I ask why you bother with this site?

JB, I don’t “demand” it.

I am just reminding people that although they are anonymous on the net, the words chosen here can upset people with a mental illness. It’s called empathy and compassion.

LG, I thought that once too. Then something happened that made me change my mind.

Could Expire, don’t tip toe around mental illness then. You obviously have no clue about it.

Remember, its a cruel world we live in… if we were all were mindful of what we said and did, how boring life would be.
Yes we are responsible for what our actions and words, but I certainly will not tip toe around issues of mental illness or anything else on here just because someone might be suffering from a mental illness or something else.

Anyone who posts here, of all places, about something they are “a bit sensitive about” is an idiot and doesn’t really deserve any sympathy. We all know that when we post something we will, in all likelihood, be torn into tiny pieces and fed to the jackals.

Nyssa you’re entitled to your own opinion. Not to demand others comply to it.

Could Expire, taking the piss out of someone’s trip to PSU is not funny.

Everyone should “speak their minds” but remember that with such freedom also comes responsibility for what you have said.

It may have been a blase statement but what LG has stated is true. However I am not saying what you have stated is untrue. Though I do need ask what the hell are we all doing here if we can’t speak our minds and make the odd blase statement?
Mental illness is not funny at all, but there are plenty of things in the world today that could be wrong with anyone that reads or contributes to this site! So are we going to all sit here and make no comments or blase statements at all?
I think not!

“had or does have” – my bad.

LG, that may be the case, however, mental illness is not a joke. Do you even know if anyone who posts on RA has or does have a mental illness? No? Because they don’t talk about it. However, making blase statements like that can and will upset them.

Labelling people is not a joke.

Using tact would be far more beneficial.

VG always makes it quite clear his opinions are “personal, not professional”. Therefore, if he wants to put the boot in (which the rest of us do without fear of retribution) he is just as entitled as the next person!

That’s ok. They’re being subpoenaed.

FOI is such a sketchy area. You can be denied access to your own records for many reasons, not the least of which is if it is believed that the contents would be harmful or detrimental.

Well vg, you can’t tell via the net.

Let me assure you that you can all call CC “mental” but truth be told, you don’t know who on here has been “mental” because it isn’t talked about.

I don’t agree with anyone labelling people with a mental illness when they have no clue what goes on during an assessment or what impact said label has on people who aren’t “mental”.

A more careful choice of words may not piss people off who have or are suffering with a mental illness.

Because, like everything I say on this site, it is my personal opinion. To be honest I didn’t even read the bit at the top, I just saw that CC was back again.

Then again I see no proof that anyone is suffering from a mental illness so my post is valid. I have never encountered this person personally or professionally

At least he didn’t use FUBAR right Binker?

why thankyou spitfire

Because if he used the usual police slang “nuphy” or “nuph nuph” not many would know its meaning.

NUPHY stands for “Needs Urgent Psychiatric Help Yesterday” and (I kid you not) it was an actual ink stamp that was used in the NSW Police Force to stamp on appropriate peoples files (well I don’t really know if that is true but its what a really old sergeant in the AFP told me once and he had worked in NSWPF many years ago)

vg, as someone who has to deal with people with a mental illness (not that I am calling CC mental but you do work with them more so than the rest of us on RA), why would you be as “stupid” as to call someone mental?


I am not a Labor lackey, you are mental

ACT inability to deal with Crazy Chester is no surprise.

Bonfire, you appear nice on this blog?

Mental Health ACT is a joke.

However, coppers can take you to CH and then they can hold you for a few hours until you are assessed with NO access to a phone. You ask for lawyer, they deny you. You ask for a phone, they deny you.

No wonder people aren’t being treated.

As for CC, I understand the BS because I am STILL dealing with it myself and it’s been almost 2 years.

I’ve also asked through FOI for documents (my file etc) and been denied.

So they are only out to protect their own arses.

At least CC is taking them on. Most people walk away and those tools continue to do what they did before because NO ONE pulled them up.

Rant over.

binker good work.

she is not well. she may never get better.

i feel pity for her in a way. i know people with mental illness, and its sad that many friends desert them because they cant deal with the new person.

one friend, mad as a hetter, i still catch up with because even though hes mad, the occasional clarity and startling observations remind me of who he once was. even his ex-wife asks me how he is (out of guilt i assume – so much ‘for better or for worse’).

another has an absolutely fucked life and is constantly being locked up. hes the size of a tongan and the cops always arrive in force. i am sure that the simple act of recieving a phone call from me or my brother makes him feel better. we endure his rants and over time he comes good and is released until the next time. i know he has hit his mother but he has never struck me. ive seen the holes in the walls of his house. until he was diagnosed with his illness, everyone just thought he was a violent thug. sadly his medication dulls his whole life and he will never be able to hold down a job.

i think all men are judged by how they treat other people. abandoning sick peopel is cruel.

so i hope that crazychester has not alienated all her friends and family through her bizarre behaviour. maybe when medicated she’s ok.

but her bizarre vendettas and perspectives are amusing.

and if she stalked me i think she would find im not always as nice as i appear on this blog.

CrazyChester, you is crazy!

I would be amused if I didn’t feel so sorry for you. You need help. There is no shame in mental illness these days. Please, get some help.

LG Who is really cranky with the mental health system, because this woman probably WON’T be able to get health because of the systems inadequacies.

Who shagged who ? (ears pricking up)

CC sounds a bit like my mum’s neighbour.
She set fire to her own front yard, called the fire brigade and blamed my mum.
Apparently the white coats came for her because she wasn’t taking her meds.

Absent Diane3:08 pm 07 Nov 06

lovely analysis binker.

You can get admitted to PSU without admitting to craziness. Firstly if the MHT has granted an assessment order (which means you have an appointment booked with a psychiatrist in the community) and you don’t show up then an apprehension order will (usually) be granted (to go with the assessment order) which means you get picked up and taken to TCH for up to 7 days (sometimes it can be for just an hour if you get assessed as soon as you arrive and there is manifestly no further need to observe you for assessment).
The other major way is that you are placed on an Emergency Detention by a Dr at TCH, having arrived at TCH under your own steam, via the courts/Corrective Services or being apprehended (aka green slipped/Emergency Action) under MH Leg by Police or Mental Health Officers.
Grounds for Emergency Detention by a Dr are danger to self or others, as a result of mental illness, no less restrictive treatment option etc. But because in the main purpose this legislation is to assist the person and protect the community (and mental illness is rarely a black and white thing) the grounds have to be met on a “reasonable belief” basis, and a reasonable belief does not have to be founded on what the patient says as often they will be unwilling or unable to communicate in any meaningful way or be deceptive, so you can take also sorts of other evidence into account (eg what the family, employer, colleague, police, nurses etc tell you).

Having said all that my guess is that CC is mad as a wheel, however doesn’t present the level of danger to herself or the community that would warrant continued detention in a psych unit, she probably doesn’t even warrant involuntary treatment in the community. Being a nutter on the interwebs is de rigueur, pestering the local authorities with emails is not dangerous, filming people is hardly dangerous (although in certain circumstances it may not be legal), stalking people is not always dangerous (if you’re a middle aged woman who has no history of violence etc). Breaching AVO’s is not always dangerous (although that is inherently a little contradictory, but for eg if the AVO says not to contact a certain person and you ring them and sing lullabies to them it’s a breach but there is no real danger).

So my guess is CC will remain at large probably untreated (prognosis for treatment of her disorder is poor anyway so even if treated she probably won’t get much better), thus she will continue to provide entertainment to the interwebs. Hooray.

And all this because some teacher shagged an 18yo student (quite legally), jealous???

it’s not hard to see the other side of the story by reading between the lines

that she’s been breaching AVO’s sadly doesn’t get mentioned much by her.

If some of these allegations she’s made about her recent experiences are true, then it is a bit of a worry.

I still think she’s a bit mad though! 🙂

I have no idea what the history on CC… but the few articles I have read the last few days here about her etc and comments have been quite amusing!
Keep the entertainment coming CC!

Aptly-named website, CC.
‘Raven’ mad indeed.

I’m sure if she got herself some legal council she could get access to these documents.
Surely, though, she must admit some craziness if she was ordered to the psych ward.
They don’t just ‘lock up’ anyone.

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