Yesterday’s AFP media releases all hail from Tuggeranong.
First up there is some mighty fine work nabbing three “alleged” burglars after a short vehicle and then foot pursuit.
Secondly is the tale of a Telstra worker who put his bod on the line for the day’s takings and the “alleged” druggie who tried to rob him, cutting him up a little in the process. Leaving ID behind at the scene of a bungled crime is never a good look.
And finally a rather disturbing man on man grope fest inflicted on an
unwilling taxi driver in Hume, saved by the intervention of one of his co-workers.
Now from the look of it you might be tempted to think that Tuggies is the only area crime happens in Canberra, which I’m fairly sure isn’t the case. Is it just that the Tuggers patrols have had a good run of actually catching offenders recently or are they just producing better, more timely media releases?