Featuring Narrabundah Prefab Re-Union
Invitation to Participate
Old Narrabundah Community Council Inc (ONCC Inc) is organising festival again incorporating a re-union of previous residents of the Narrabundah Prefabricated Area, originally built in 1947, on Saturday 13th March at the Narrabundah shops, 12 noon to 4 pm.
ONCC Inc will use this occasion as a fundraiser and we are inviting you/your organisation along to participate with a stall or other activity. A festive atmosphere is being aimed for with a variety of stalls, food and entertainment. The local shops could use the day to promote their business.
All participants must bring their own tables, chairs and goods for sale or display. No electricity is available. An unusual mix of stalls would be a good drawcard.
The objective of the gathering is for old neighbours and friends to catch up again. The prefabs were purpose built for providing accommodation for building workers’ families. Thousands of baby boomers spent their childhood in Narrabundah, and it is estimated at least 500 people will attend. A history of the prefabs is being compiled and many people, who were raised here, may want to contribute to our history.
If you are interested in participating please contact the organiser below before Sat 27th Feb;
Austin Lynch, email: aussielyn@optusnet.com.au
Ph 02 62957677 (please leave a message if engaged)
John Keeley
Old Narrabundah Community Council Inc (ONCC Inc)