Joy Burch has announced funding for a new family violence program by the Canberra Men’s Centre.
The initiative will provide specialist intensive case management, counselling intervention and supported accommodation for men who use violence against women and children. The 2011-12 ACT Budget provided $424,000 over four years to deliver the new Family Violence Prevention Program through a community organisation.
“The program will be delivered by Canberra Men’s Centre which has significant experience in working with men to provide support around a range of issues,” Ms Burch said.
“A key part of the program will see the Canberra Men’s Centre collaborating with other agencies in this sector and I look forward to seeing the results.
“One of the strengths of the program is that it will address issues associated with the use of violence, such as alcohol and other drug dependency, mental health and anger management.”
Co-Director of the Canberra Men’s Centre Greg Aldridge said men referred to the service would be given support to address their use of violence and, where possible, begin rebuilding relationships with their family.