Katy Gallagher has announced new mental health services:
ACT Minister for Health, Katy Gallagher announced this week that the ACT Government will develop two new Step-Up Step-Down services.
“A Step-Up/Step-Down residential facility for young people aged 18 to 25 years will be delivered to provide care for those experiencing sub-acute mental health symptoms. The service will provide support and care to young people to avert a hospital admission or for those who are not yet ready to return home after admission,’ Ms Gallagher said.
“It’s recognised across Australia that current mental health services are not delivered in the most age effective way for 18-25 year olds.
“In addition, a new Step-Up/Step-Down Outreach Support Service will offer in-home support, in conjunction with clinical services, for people at risk of hospitalisation, or upon leaving hospital,” the Health Minister said.
“The Outreach Support Service is a whole new way of delivering this successful model of care.Previously, Step-Up/Step-Down facilities have provided supported accommodation in a residential setting within a purpose designed building.This new service will be delivered to people in their own homes,” she said.