AAP’s Kate Corbett is reporting a bit of a disappointment in the new prison.
ACT Opposition justice spokesman Bill Stefaniak said he was concerned some low-risk female prisoners would be mixed with those awaiting sentence. He said that would breach the ACT Government’s own human rights act.
Simon Corbell thinks the problem can be overcome with careful management. If only careful management were a hallmark of Governance in the ACT.
I am however pleased to see that “The Opposition agreed with Mr Stefaniak’s comparison of the jail to the Taj Mahal”. Good to see Bill agrees with himself.
So is the prison too soft Bill? Or is it breaching human rights? Or would you like more rights to be breeched?
UPDATE: VYBerlinaV8 has sent in the following picture he took of the “7 foot long by 3 and a half foot wide, and about 6 and a half foot tall” cells from Alcatraz as a possible example of the sort of thing Mr. Stanhope doesn’t want to have at his prison.