The first night paintball session was held at Adventure Paintball on Friday night. There was a mixture of old and new faces (including RAs resident paintball guru Blamemonkey) all keen to come and try something a bit different. Games went well with everyone agreeing that playing at night under lights was much better than playing during the 37C day!. An added level of difficulty was experienced when one of the lights blew with one end of the field covered in shadows. The advantage to the ‘dark side’ made for some interesting ref calls and some innovative tactics. The night paintball will continue every Friday night during daylight savings, with tourney training held at 6pm on Tues and Thurs nights.
Also, the 2007 AP tourney series dates have been posted on the ‘competition’ link on the website. Hope to see some RA team there to support Blamemonkey in flying the RA flag.
cheers, Kieran