One of the side effects of the ACT Government’s money problems (which we appear not to have covered — how very remiss — so have a look here) is that many roadwork projects are being put on hold.
Zed Seselja tells us he has major concerns about our roads infrastructre and the traffic problems caused by not getting the works done.
“One only has to look at the debacle with the Gungahlin Drive Extension to see just how inept the Government’s handling of roads infrastructure projects has been,” he said.
“Firstly, it wasted 18 months arguing over the route of the road, then it reduced the road from four lanes to two, then it was embroiled in a legal battle, now the cost of the projects has blown out from $32 million for a four lane road to $105 million for a two lane road.”
Planned upgrades to Majura Avenue and Pialligo Roads have now been put on hold, in part because of the blow-out of expenditure on the GDE, and other works Mr Seselja thinks need to be considered soon, including on Lanyon Drive, Gundaroo Drive, and sections of Athllon and Tharwa Drives, look like they’ll be a long time coming.
Mr Seselja said, “If this Government had better managed its roads infrastructure projects and better managed the overall budget Canberrans would be assured of a better roads network.”
UPDATE The ABC’s take on this is here.