On Tuesday evening Officer Rudi Lammers and Deputy Chief Police Officer David Pryce engaged the community over twitter for the first time, answering questions and addressing concerns by the public.
Apparently it was a huge success.
Chief Police Officer Rudi Lammers said that the forum achieved everything that ACT Policing expected in relation to interacting with the community.
“The forum went very well and it was great to see people interacting and asking a lot of very good questions. We wanted to answer all the questions openly and in a timely manner and I think we achieved this with a small bit of humour thrown in for good measure,” Chief Police Officer Lammers said.
During the hour-long forum, ACT Policing received 31 questions, ranging from traffic matters to personal safety and overall 87 tweets were exchanged. Crime Stoppers also participated in the forum and responded to a number of tweets about how they work with police and the important role they play in preventing and solving crime.
“ACT Policing is committed to effective community engagement and will be holding more twitter forums in the future. After going over the tweets, it’s obvious that traffic matters and road safety concern the community, so we’ll definitely be holding a forum to talk through those concerns.
“Yesterday afternoon a survey was tweeted from the @ACTPolicing twitter account. I would encourage anyone that participated or viewed the forum to provide us with feedback. ACT Policing is always looking at new initiatives and improvements in how we can better engage with the community,” Chief Police Officer Lammers said.
The survey can also be located via the ACT Policing website www.police.act.gov.au/community/social-media.aspx