Government News has an interesting take on Tony Abbott’s demands for carbon-tax scrapping legislation to be prepared for him:
Opposition leader Tony Abbott very publicly told the head of the public service, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary Dr Ian Watt AO, that he expects to have legislation to scrap the price on carbon and an emissions trading scheme pre-written and ready to table should the Coalition win government.
The Coalition on Monday took the prominent step of releasing its official correspondence to Dr Watt in the form of a campaign email from Mr Abbott to voters saying that he has “asked the Secretary to have the necessary arrangements ready so that we can move swiftly, if elected.”
The bold move has underscored the Coalition’s sometimes testy relationship with the upper echelons of Canberra’s bureaucracy who have already been told to expect cuts of around 12,000 public service jobs.
After the party political abuse of the bureaucracy’s resources by the Rudd and Gillard governments it almost looks like fair play. But why stop with just this?
Why not demand policy development in other areas?