I found an article, via optus, from ABC – I can’t find the link on ABC but I will update when I do [ED: Here is the ABC’s story]- about an 18yo who was on a GBB for stealing cars (in Goulburn). The day (in Canberra) after he was given the GBB he stole another car. Apparently he has been in Quamby more than 30 times as a juvenile
“Today the court heard Bender suffered trauma as a child when a car accident resulted in brain damage, broken arms, legs and facial injuries, requiring plastic surgery.
The teenager admits to abusing drugs, but says that during the 80 days he spent in prison his addiction eased and for the first time he can look in the mirror and like what he sees.”
I’m sick of hearing that a person’s “bad life” was the catalyst for their anti-social behaviour. It’s nice to know the justice system is crap in two states.