26 February 2025

Please explains demanded on all fronts during tense day at Senate Estimates

| Chris Johnson
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Finance Minister Katy Gallagher was questioned about her use of parliamentary privilege on a couple of fronts. File Photo: Michelle Kroll.

The Coalition is demanding answers about political flyers in public service departments. Labor wants to know why Peter Dutton bought up bank shares the day before the government bailed them out. Linda Reynolds would like an apology from Katy Gallagher over Brittany Higgins.

Tuesday (25 February) was an interesting day in Senate Estimates.

The Australian Public Service Commission had to explain to Liberal senators Jane Hume and James McGrath why anti-Dutton flyers had been left lying around the common areas of at least one (unnamed) government department.

Authorised by the Australian Council of Trade Unions, separate flyers ask: “Can you afford a pay cut?” and “Can you afford to risk Dutton?”

Isn’t the APS meant to be apolitical? That’s what the Coalition senators wanted to know.

APS officials appearing before the hearing could only offer up references to the rule banning APS employees from engaging in party political activity at work.

But without knowing in what department/s the flyers (which were tabled at the hearing) were found, they couldn’t say much more.

“It’s just a pure piece of political advertising,” Senator Hume said.

She and Senator McGrath also jumped on Finance Minister Katy Gallagher’s use of estimates – and parliamentary privilege – to say Mr Dutton had some “genuine questions to answer” over his buy-up of bank shares during the Global Financial Crisis.

READ ALSO Dutton to slash APS numbers to pay for his Medicare promise

A News Corp report said Mr Dutton had declared new shares in NAB, Westpac and CommBank one day before the Rudd government boosted their value by bailing them out.

The report raises questions about whether Mr Dutton was privy to information about the bailout beforehand.

Dutton blamed the news on Labor’s dirt unit and insisted that everything was done according to the rules.

So when Senator Gallagher said the shares shopping was “highly unusual”, the Coalition senators in the estimates hearing described it as “grubby” to make such suggestions under the protection of parliamentary privilege.

They dared her to repeat the comments outside of the chamber.

Senator Gallagher had another interesting exchange during estimates hearings.

It, too, was about parliamentary privilege, but this one was with Liberal senator and former defence minister Linda Reynolds over the questioning of her years earlier about the Bruce Lehrmann rape allegations in her office.

Senator Reynolds will not be contesting this year’s federal election and took the opportunity in her last appearances at Senate Estimates this week to ask for an apology from Senator Gallagher over how she and other Labor senators, while in Opposition, had pursued the then minister over Ms Higgins’ allegations.

Senator Reynolds said Labor’s questions over what might or might not have happened in her ministerial office were overly harsh, had misused parliamentary privilege, and “wrought damage” to her [Senator Reynolds] and her family.

So, she asked Senator Gallagher for an apology.

She got a qualified one – but maybe not really.

“I am sorry that you have been hurt by all of this,” Senator Gallagher told Senator Reynolds during the hearing.

“I’ve gone back and had a look at the questions I’ve asked and I believe the questions I’ve asked of you when you were a minister and accountable for what happened in your office were reasonable.

“I consider these things deeply.”

Senator Reynolds then chimed in with: “That’s a no?”

Senator Gallagher was quick to make it clear that it wasn’t a no.

“That’s not a no,” she said.

READ ALSO Senate Estimates has become nasty, says former APS boss

But then again, it’s not an actual formal apology, either.

“I would believe that other senators in a similar circumstance would ask exactly the same questions,” the minister said.

“But did I seek to cause harm to you or anyone else? No.

“I asked questions that I think most people expect would have been asked with such serious allegations about what has happened in this building.”

Senator Reynolds has sued Ms Higgins for defamation.

Ms Higgins alleged she was raped by fellow staffer Bruce Lehrmann in Senator Reynolds’ ministerial suite in March 2019 and has criticised the then-minister’s handling of the situation.

Mr Lehrmann denied the allegation and his criminal trial was derailed over juror misconduct, with no findings against him.

A subsequent Federal Court defamation case Mr Lehrmann launched against the Ten Network, however, found that “on the balance of probabilities” he did rape Ms Higgins.

Mr Lehrmann is appealing that verdict.

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Whilst I do think Linda Reynolds tried to do the right thing and was unfairly maligned in the media over this issue “on the balance of probabilities” a serious offence occurred in her office. Of course there were going to be tough questions.

Good to see the ‘mean girl’ firing on all fronts.

“Good to see” people making childish insults and desperately trying to ‘shoot the messenger’ to distract from Dutton’s dodgy dealings. Nice try but misogyny won’t work in this case,

It would appear Senator Reynolds has no shame. How unedifying to pursue a young rape victim for a considerable share of the money Brittany had been awarded in damages?

Let’s not forget Gallaghers abysmal performance in the ACT assembly followed by jumping ship only to be caught on the way down & parachuted into the feds.

You spelled “Zed” wrong.

Parachuted? Hmmm and here was I thinking an election was required. Linda Reynolds should have been asked questions, her behaviour was questionable immediately post the allegation, during the aborted rape trial and her vindictive pursuit of Ms Higgins since.

Higgins lied about the support offered by Reynolds. Why wouldn’t she pursue the truth?

Wasn’t it the Liberals, under Howard, who politicised the Public Service?

And have continued to do so every time they get in. Australia is in a better financial position tjan 10 years of horror the LNP put us through as proven by our IMF ranking.

The Labor dirt unit seems to be in full swing, desperately seeking anything to tarnish Dutton with. It’s pretty unedifying. Haven’t they got anything positive to say about their “achievements” over the past three years and vision for the future ?

Was that the “Labor dirt unit” led by Samantha Maiden, a senior News Corps journalist. That one?

Ah yes, its just pure coincidence that the story has surfaced a month before an election is called.

The fact that the ALP was ready to go with defined messages and attack lines was also just happenstance.

Just good old investigative journalism brought this to light, that’s what.

Yes imagine that astro2, Labor leaking to a News Limited journo. Perhaps Rupert isn’t so one-sided after all (but shhh, don’t tell Albo or Kev).

But surely Labor should be up for a positive campaign, telling us all about how they’ve improved our lives …. has yours improved ?

Actually no, they don’t need to leak the information as it was on the parliamentary register. It was a matter of research by an experienced journalist to bring the matter to light. The question that needs to be addressed by the Opposition leader is whether or not he was briefed on the matter. If he was, then it’s a very serious matter indeed – and the obvious panic by Liberal Party spokespeople testifies to this.

The fact that Dutton is a liability is not Labor’s fault Chewy.

LNP have uncle Rupes as their dirt unit and blanket coverage of their lies. It was in fact a News Corpse article that blew the whistle on Dutton’s alleged insider trading

Yes I know, good old investigative journalism is what brought this to light…..one month before an election is called and the ALP is tanking in the polls.

ALP members also have some bridges for sale that you may be interested in.

The fantasy that one side of politics has a “dirt unit” is quite something to behold from someone talking about scaling bridges.

Dutton is still a liability regardless of where and when the information came from.

Who said anything about only one side of politics having a dirt unit?

They all do it, trawling through records to attempt to find a stupid “gotcha” that they hold onto until a time that they think will provide the best political bang for their buck.

It’s the same stupid school yard politics that had people whinging about Albo buying a new house as a BIG news story.

And still, here you are focusing on this as if it’s important rather than the policy debate that should be occurring prior to an election.

astro2 – the Dutton story hasn’t even lasted the 24 hour news cycle. Today’s story is why the Prime Minister’s version of the Chinese navy story has been contradicted by several Defence chiefs. Has the PM misled Australians, or does he simply struggle with facts ?

So we agree Dutton is a liability.

chewy – Albo buying the beachfront mansion wasn’t the story. The government spending $100 million building a road to his front door is.


Sorry to disappoint you Penfold but a quick google search with key words such as “Dutton” and “shares” reveal more news stories this morning (and more furious denials from the Opposition leader). Until the minutes from the briefing by the then Opposition leader (Malcom Turnbull) are brought forward so the Australian public can see that the share purchases by Dutton weren’t made with insider knowledge, then this news item just won’t disappear. What’s really sad is that some ardent Liberal supporters just wish it would, without the truth coming out. That’s pretty sad. Personally I prefer truth no matter which side it benefits.

Well astro2 isn’t it sad that here we are a few weeks from an election and all the government want to do is muckrake. No vision, no positive messaging, no telling us how they’ve improved Australia. Is this the swamp we hear about ?

You don’t think the Australian people deserve to know if their alternative PM engaged in some form of ‘insider trading’ prior to going to the polls?

Hi Penfold, you seem to be getting confused with the issue. I’m sure that you would want our politicians to uphold the highest standards in their financial affairs and in particular to not break the law, is that correct? Now, at this stage, no one is saying that Dutton engaged in insider trading (and neither am I). However due to the proximity in time from the purchase of the bank shares to the announcement of a bank bail-out due to the GFC, the Australian people are rightfully due an explanation that Dutton, a then Shadow Minister, was not briefed on the upcoming financial assistance package. This is a pretty simple concept and one that most of us understand. I’m sure that you would be insisting on clarification if it was a Labor politician that purchased these shares, rather than Peter Dutton. The point is, it shouldn’t matter what the political stripe of the person is, it’s a simple matter that Australians want to be assured that the Leader of Opposition did not engage in insider trading, which is illegal. You understand that, right?

JS – of course the public should know but at this stage there’s nothing to suggest Dutton has done anything wrong. Labor and friends will keep trying to hurl mud, such is their desperation, but there’s nothing substantive there it seems. But the contortions of the likes of Gallagher, Chalmers and Albo are something to behold.

Ands here we are with serious issues – Chinese frigates, a cost of living crisis, social cohesion problems, a health system in crisis – and all Labor wants talk about is share trading 15 years ago. It’s pretty desperate isn’t it, and sad.

“there’s nothing to suggest Dutton has done anything wrong” … no-one has found any malfeasance on his part, however, the reality is, questions are being asked and should be answered. Pretty simple really.

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