9 April 2024

PODCAST: The Hoot on Labor governments, the economy (stupid) and Easter trees (what?)

| Genevieve Jacobs
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Has the Federal-Territory Labor combination delivered for Canberra? Not according to Senator Pocock. Photo: Region.

This week, the Hoot podcast does a deep dive on whether the apparently fortuitous conjunction of Labor governments for the ACT and up on the hill have actually produced anything for the ACT’s voters.

Great hopes were held when the tide turned red at the last federal election, but ACT independent Senator David Pocock says the results have been, well, not much to write home about. But whose fault is that?

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There’s plenty of uncertainty over whose fault the economy is, too.

At the macro level, things look kind of OK, protected as we are by our resources and a federal surplus. Down on the ground, though, everything is a lot more problematic. Sure, hospitality is always volatile, and restaurants close for many reasons, but recent building company collapses have taken down some very well-credentialed operators with long histories of major projects.

So we ask the question: what the hell is going on out there?

READ ALSO We do Easter trees now? This has gone way too far!

And on the list of odd things that have no apparent rationale, can we chalk up Easter trees? Never heard of them? Oh, they’re out there!

And what about chocolate Disney characters? Where does it end?

The Hoot appears every week on Riotact and wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple and Spotify. Have a listen, tell us what you think and rate us.

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