The Hoot is here, discussing at what point the Instagram moment tips over into irresponsible behaviour; whether mobile phone cameras are an existential threat to our privacy and freedom (or not); and what movie you’d like to see filmed in Canberra.
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This week Ross and Genevieve start the discussion with a discussion about personal responsibility and public safety. There have been two tragic deaths recently at Gibraltar Falls although we don’t know anything about how those incidents occurred or why, and therefore can’t make any judgements.
However the incidents have prompted the ACT’s tourism bodies to rethink promoting the site’s social media impact.
The site, along with other remote beauty spots, has been promoted for its Instagrammable qualities. So when does the quest for a great “Insta” shot trump common sense? And how much control can authorities actually exert over people who make poor choices in these situations?
Poor choices also come into the conversation when we consider Canberra’s recently installed mobile phone cameras. There are two fixed cameras and three mobile units and, as Ross points out, they can also tell whether you’re wearing pants in the car.
But on a more serious note, is it really a major impost on your freedom to be snapped while doing something that’s dangerous to others?
Canberra is also an increasingly popular destination for international television series and movies. Starting with the likes of the Liam Neeson vehicle, Blacklight, we’ve seen more and more overseas production companies choose Canberra for its ease of access, industry friendly government and clear light.
The latest is a Singaporean company planning to make a jam packed action drama series from the end of February.
So what television series would you like to see filmed in the ACT and why? Ross has a suggestion, but you’ll have to listen in to find out exactly which horror movie he thinks is a good fit for us and what Fletcher Jones slacks have to do with it.
The Hoot appears every week on Riotact and wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple and Spotify. Have a listen, tell us what you think and rate us.