With the Hotels Association carrying on about community groups being allowed to sell beer to festival goers ClubsACT is cunningly offering to train up the volunteers.
ClubsACT today extended an offer to Multicultural Festival organisers to provide free responsible service of alcohol (RSA) courses for community groups participating in next year’s festival.
“Whilst there is nothing to warrant the festival becoming alcohol free, I am very pleased the organisers of the festival have accepted our offer of free RSA courses for stallholders next year”, according to Chief Executive Jeff House.
“The multicultural festival is a family event, with a highly visible police presence and high level of compliance across the four hundred stall operators. Our commitment to provide training free of charge will assist community groups who are so reliant on the exposure and income the event provides.
A better strategy would be to tell the AHA what to do with itself, and the horse it rode in on.