12 August 2008

Public Servants - What are the going mileage rates for private use of your vehicle?

| illyria
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To all you dedicated public servants out there on RA, can you tell me what your Enterprise Bargaining Agreement gives as the current rates paid for mileage when you use your own vehicle for business purposes?

I am not in the public service, but I do provide some services which are “to be reimbursed at the applicable public service rate”….. but I think I am getting ripped off as the rate stated seems to be the one set in about 1985.

Rates for car sizes up to 1600cc, 1600-2000cc and above 2000cc would be good as I can then put forward a case for all the other providers that are doing the same thing for the same piddly amounts.

I have spent far too long already trying to collate this info and I thought picking your brains would be a good short cut!

The name of your Dept would be handy, along with the rates of course, but if you require anonymity, if you could just point me in the right direction to find the relevant documents.

Does anybody know if these things get reviewed to take into account increased petrol prices etc?

I would really appreciate the inside info…..


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I wasn’t talking about the prices in the ATO CA.

My Department doesn’t have any of this written into agreements.

1600cc or less – 58 cents
1601cc – 2600cc – 69 cents
2601cc (2.601 litre) and over – 70 cents

You’d have a hard time getting internal guidelines on personal car travel for any Department.
But it would be stuff like, must be viable, must be approved in writting, must be cost effective, must not drive anymore then x hours in one day, must take regular breaks, costs start from leaving for travel and time returned, reimbursement form B must be supplied to finance within x days of completing travel, etc etc

Madman, how do I find out about those various guidelines for use?

Does anybody know about the ACT Public Service?

The Departments all seem to vary. For example, the Australian Public Service Commission Collective Agreement 2006-2009 states they only get 55 cents, 66 cents and 67 cents per km whereas the ATO Guidelines are 58 cents, 69 cents and 70 cents as the engines get bigger. This could be because the Agreement was certified before the new ATO rates came out…….. yeah, makes sense.

My Department is in line with the ATO figures also. I believe it’s across the board with Federal Government Departments. But there are various guidlines for use and varied from Department to Department but wouldn’t be use to you.

Vic Bitterman9:35 pm 12 Aug 08

From memory, mine is aligned to the ATO’s engine size rates. Howver, it’s capped at up to whatever the equivalent ‘best price of the day’ airfare would have cost, and then it’s the max of whichever of the two is cheapest.

The ATO figures (for claiming work use of one’s car) always used to be the official rate that many others used. It takes in petrol, maintenance, wear and tear/mileage etc.

In the only government agency with which I am currently acquainted, the view seems to be that one should use one’s vehicle with approval (or take taxis) but not expect reimbursement, unless one has grabbed a cabcharge thing. The place is poorly resourced but does useful work.

Agency level bargaining has demolished the idea of a consistent rate for anything (from salaries to allowances like this) so it’s pretty much open slather. If you’re a contractor, why not negotiate whatever rate seems fair – or use, say, the ATO figures at

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