20 December 2013

Rebecca Krutsky eligible for parole in January 2015

| johnboy
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The ABC has the story on the sentencing of Rebecca Krutsky for her role in the death of Andre Le Dinh at the Oracle Apartments:

A Canberra woman will spend more than two years in jail for her role in a robbery which led to the murder of public servant Andre Le Dinh.

Mr Le Dinh was found dead in his blood-splattered lounge room in May 2010.

He died of head injuries from a beating during a robbery by Corey Martin.

Martin is now serving more than 22 years for the killing.

His partner, Rebecca Krutsky pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting the robbery.

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Two years, not enough time to really punish someone, just enough time to let them pick up some tips and tricks for their future criminal exploits.

“Justice Refshauge said he had taken into account the woman’s difficult upbringing and told her he hoped the whole episode had been a massive lesson. “

Well the whole episode has certainly been a massive lesson for Andre Le Dinh, so a good stern letting off would certainly see her right.

colourful sydney racing identity1:42 pm 08 Jan 14

Wow, I went to college with Rebecca, new her quite well – she was a nice girl but was starting to go off the rails back then (as a lot of us were).

Impossible to know whether she encouraged or tried to stop Corey Martin. This “calibre” of woman is normally more likely to do the former though.

Still, 2 years is a joke. This should have got the 12 years Schmidt got, and he should have got 40.

justicewillbeserved said :

Not enough time I think considering she was the master mind of the whole thing

Yes, I agree. The victim Andre Le Dinh might have been a drug dealer but he was always polite when he came into my shop and I don’t believe he was beyond reform.

justicewillbeserved4:00 pm 22 Dec 13

Not enough time I think considering she was the master mind of the whole thing

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