I wish I could count the times I have been accused of having a left wing bias. Something I wear as a badge of honour.
This is gunna surprise you but there are people out there who are far greater haters than Labor will ever spawn. Such a person is Peter Reith, former Howard government minister and columnist for Fairfax.
I read his diatribe in the Canberra Crimes and thought there is a lesson here.
Let me be fair though. I do enjoy Amanda Vanstone’s column from time to time. She bags the Labor Party but also does so with some degree of balance and with some courteous writing. She too is a former Howard minister and a Fairfax columnist. I served with Amanda on a ministerial council to do with multicultural affairs. She has my respect. Not so Mr Reith.
His use of language shows the depth of his everlasting hatred for unions and anything Labor. Why he doesn’t just get over it, I don’t know. Some examples.
[Talking about the Victorian Labor Party and why they should not be in power in Victoria], “the first [reason] is the CFMEU’s control over Victorian Labor and its record of intimidation, thuggery and links to unsavoury individuals”. Really? Proof?
[Talking about the Liberals] “There have been no scandals” Really? A dumped preselected candidate because he wanted to use a porn star in his campaign!
[Again about the Labor Party] “Andrews is the most left wing leader Labor has ever put up in Victoria. [He] was anointed by the hard line CFMEU and he now turns a blind eye to the ongoing thuggery and intimidation which is the well-known trademark of his CFMEU sponsors”. Again, proof? None! Why the hatred of the CFMEU?
“The Melbourne Herald Sun reported that “underworld figure Mick Gatto has told Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews not to break links with controversial CFMEU John Setka”. …Labor has a big problem with its choice of mates”. If it is in the newspaper, it has to be true. Where is the proof such a conversation ever took place?
What is interesting is the holier than thou attitude. He must lose sleep with the depth of anger in his soul. He obviously has not moved on at all after leaving politics. And even then his departure left many questions unanswered.
Why the high moral ground from the man who lied to the people of Australia over the children overboard scandal? The man who brought the balaclava wearing shock troops onto the wharves to counter that horrid union, the MUA! The man who brought snarling police dogs to the same wharves! Who can forget those images?
Who remembers his time as Industrial Relations Minister? I do and I shudder. I thought he had retired to a life of peaceful retirement, to enjoy the fruits of his generous pension, to hope that people would forget what he did when a minister.
I was wrong. But I do acknowledge that in the “hating” stakes, he is the best. Labor can’t hold a candle to his preoccupation with anything left wing. He is overwhelmed by his own hatred. Sad. He could learn from Amanda Vanstone.