Simon Corbell has announced his plans to force ActewAGL to provide energy efficiency upgrades to homes:
The ACT Labor Government will introduce new laws next week that will deliver energy efficiency savings to up to 70,000 Canberra households, cutting energy bills by up to $300, per annum, by 2015, Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell, announced today.
The Energy Efficiency (Cost of Living) Improvement Bill 2012 will require Electricity Retailers to provide households with subsidised or free energy efficiency upgrades to their homes, helping to reduce cost of living pressures on household budgets and reducing carbon emissions in the ACT.
“This legislation will benefit approximately 70,000 households in the ACT, requiring electricity retailers, like ActewAGL, to provide free or subsidised services to households to boost the energy efficiency of their homes, and to provide ongoing energy bill savings of up to $300, per annum, by 2015,” Mr Corbell said.
Further, bill savings of more than $2,000 are expected for households over the life time of implemented energy efficiency measures.
Some of the energy efficiency measures that will be made available to households under the legislation include the installation of draught sealing and insulation as well as replacing inefficient heaters, air conditioners and hot water systems.
“The new laws also require a minimum of 25% of all households assisted to be low income households, providing further support to the most vulnerable people in our community,” Mr Corbell said.
ActewAGL not being a charitable institution it’s hard not to see the effect of this being all electricity customers (which does include renters) paying for those who can undertake modifications to their homes (which does not include renters).
But hey, working families right?