8 June 2005

RiotACT Housekeeping.

| johnboy
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We interrupt the usual service to make the following housekeeping announcements:

1) Could anyone in Hashemoto please get in touch? Your website’s email addresses aren’t working. This is in relation to getting you into the Insatiable Banalities podcast. We’ve played enough of your recordings and we want the real thing. Email johnboy@the-riotact.com

2) There seems to be some interest in establishing some sort of book club. I’m not at all sure that you all agree on what sort of books you want to read (but that could actually be a good thing). In any event the RiotACT overlords are happy to provide web-cover (including an email list of it’s needed) but don’t have a lot of time to commit. I’ll promise to read the first book and come along to a meeting if someone else does the heavy lifting.

3) Someone sent me an email from an anonymous web-app asking what had happened to the feedster headlines we’d had on the old site. As I can’t email back for lack of a return address allow me to reply here. It was a service run from feedster.com. We found that when they broke it broke our site so we no longer syndicate it. We do however run an rss–>email feed along with some website monitoring. At the moment only a small number of the RA inner wheel receive those emails, plus Kerces. If someone wants to get a lot of mostly useless email, in exchange for posting stories they find amusing out of it, then email me (johnboy@the-riotact.com).

And now we return you to our regular programming.

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Canberra_unsung_hero8:43 am 09 Jun 05

Here’s the Google result for “My love for Juni” –

John B1_B5’s Place: My love for Juni
To see ALL the blogs for a particular month, go to the “Archives” ( 20 blogs for May )
spaces.msn.com/members/john33805/ Blog/cns!1ptA19fHfsA5DI69x9x3dp1A!811.entry – 23k –

Canberra_unsung_hero8:18 am 09 Jun 05

I use “Picasa 2” to get pics onto blogger.com, but it’s a real ‘hit and miss’ affair — It’s much easier with msn Spaces — Amazingly, blogs I post on msn Spaces are picked up by Google !

Samuel Gordon-Stewart11:39 pm 08 Jun 05

I might change it back in a few days, after the said lunatic has either registered with blogger.com or buggered off completely…despite appearances, I’m in the middle of an assignment at the moment and don’t really have time for random lunatics insulting my drawings and calling me “a dead set wanker”

I put my pictures on my photo gallery (It’s good, it makes a few variously sized versions) and link from there.


Canberra_unsung_hero10:54 pm 08 Jun 05

Oh…my main ‘Blogsite’ is on myspaces.com Samuel. I don’t use Blogger.com much, because posting photos there is a real pain!

I only approve first-timers… and usually approve anything unless it’s spam. I’ll “usually” approve nonsence (I have a couple of posts which seem to attact alot of nonse to their replies) because I like to laugh at idiots.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart10:51 pm 08 Jun 05

Ditto, although due to some random lunatic posting nonsense comments you will need to register with blogger.com


Canberra_unsung_hero10:45 pm 08 Jun 05

Thanks for the approval – feel free to leave a comment on any of my blogs at anytime ( they don’t need to be approved ).

and that COMMENT got approved *giggles* and is presently being displayed…

ugh. I’m not counting on the rain…

Canberra_unsung_hero10:38 pm 08 Jun 05

Hey Fiona, I just visited your blogsite (by clicking on your name ). I left a COMMENT about the rain, and that comment is presently ‘awaiting moderation’.

That was me asking about feedster. My webmail broke – you weren’t the only person today who received a broken email from me. Sorry, but thanks for the reply 🙂

mwahaha bring back the feedster :p then people will visit my blog when I blather on about missing my boy :p

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