[First filed: September 27, 2008 @ 22:01]
On Sunday evening, the new RiotACT server will be going into the Transact data centre to replace our current box, which has really been struggling recently. We expect the server to be offline between 6pm and 9pm, while we get the data transferred and the hardware swapped. I know it will be hard for some to be without RiotACT for an evening, but I assure you it will be back bigger and faster than ever.
Thanks to Velocity Internet who continue to provide our server hosting on their mega fast internet connection.
RiotACT Server Admin
Velocity Internet
UPDATE: And the new beast is now succesfully in place thanks to Kramer’s brilliant work. It’s currently chewing through your queries with contempt (1-2% of capacity in use compared to 50-60% on the old server in a similar period). That should be an end to those vexing database errors for some time. (he says tempting fate).