I would like Canberrans assistance in tracking down a particular motor vehicle. The four occupants of this vehicle attacked my wife and young child in a road rage attack a few weeks ago on the Monaro Highway.
At approximately 10:30pm on a Saturday evening, my wife was travelling eastbound along Hindmarsh Drive when in her rear view mirror she saw a late model silver Holden Commodore SS approaching at extremely high speed. The vehicle passed her and then swerved quickly in front of her into the lane she was occupying in order to pass a car in the other lane almost causing her to run off the road. The silver Commodore then continued along Hindmarsh Drive at high speed, driving erratically and dangerously around other vehicles.
At the intersection of Hindmarsh Drive and the Monaro Highway, the Commodore was stopped at a red arrow waiting to turn right and southbound toward Tuggeranong. As my wife’s car drew alongside their vehicle, her only mistake was to glance across at the occupants of the vehicle. Upon doing this, two of the passengers wound down the windows and started abusing her, yelling out “what the f*** are you looking at b****” and making other sexually explicit threats toward her. My wife ignored their taunts and when the arrow turned green she turned right to head down the Monaro Highway toward Tuggeranong.
The Commodore and its occupants then proceeded to tailgate her with their high beam lights on. After a few kilometres, they passed her at high speed and pulled in front of her, forcing her car off the road. Upon coming to a stop the four occupants of the Commodore got out of the vehicle, with two of them armed with what appeared to be a small bat and a small crowbar, and began hitting my wife’s vehicle with these objects and their fists with considerable force. The verbal threats continued, telling her to get out of the car while trying to gain access through the doors which were thankfully locked.
One of the occupants then struck the rear quarter window with one of their weapons with such force that it shattered showering glass all over our 4 month old baby, who was in a baby capsule in the back seat. At this time another vehicle was approaching the scene and upon seeing this the occupants of the Commodore all returned to their vehicle and left at high speed.
My wife called the police to report the incident immediately. The police attended the scene and took details.
In following this matter up, we have unfortunately been advised by the police that the registered owner of the vehicle is no longer at the address listed on his registration and license. As a result, the police can do very little until they catch up with the car and driver.
As a result, I would like to see whether this community can help in identifying the car and driver. The car was a silver late model Holden Commodore SS with ACT registration ***-***. It had red P-Plates displayed in the top right hand corner of the rear window. The four occupants were all males and aged between approximately 17 to 19 years of age.
If by any remote chance anyone knows of this vehicle or where it is garaged, see this vehicle on Canberra’s roads, or know the owner and where he lives, could you please pass this information onto me. There is considerable damage to my wife’s vehicle plus the police are very keen to catch up with these youths considering the nature of their attack on my wife and 4 month old child.
I know that this is a long shot, but I do not want to see these youths get away with such an unprovoked attack on an innocent woman and infant and have it potentially happen to someone else.
UPDATE: The highest levels of ACT Policing are now following this up and gmckay424 should check his email and get in touch with them. We’ve decided to suppress the rego details until the bottom has been got to.
FURTHER UPDATE: This statement from ACT Policing:
A comprehensive search of ACT Policing indices has yielded nil results for the incident as described.
Police would urge the original complainant in this matter to contact ACT Policing Operations on 131-444.”