30 July 2010

Roadworks signs - Ummmm, OK then?

| johnboy
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[First filed: Jul 29, 2010 @ 10:42]

Road signage

“alloneword” has sent in the above from Drake Brockman Drive with the following note:

Saw this yesterday on my way to work, remembered to bring my camera this morning. I think it really shows what is wrong with a lot of the roadworks in Canberra.

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UPDATE: Another one has now been spotted in Bonner:

second farce

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Ceej1973, Roads ACT only authorise the TTM plans for use. The accuracy of the plan, responsibility for checking the site before submitting the plan and set up of the signs is the responsibility of contractors, all of whom require certification at different levels.

I don’t suppose of the posters here thought to contact Canberra Connect so that the TTM plans and signs could be fixed. Anyone…nope didn’t think so.

Gotta make you wonder though (about the signs). What a cock up.

Rawhide Kid No 29:46 am 30 Jul 10

Thoroughly Smashed said :

mooo_cow said :

Does anyone know if you need a ‘ticket’ or ‘certificate’ to post road work signs.

Yes, RTA NSW offer various non-overlapping accreditations depending on specific role and level of responsibility: http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/doingbusinesswithus/downloads/traffic_control_training/training_course_overview.pdf

Well I wish they would teach those traffic controllers at the Canberra Hospital how to do understandable hand singles.

Going past this morning I noted that the Sixty sign has been removed. The 80 sign is still there, uncovered, which ironically means that the limit is 80 km/h for the last few metres of the road work section. But at least we don’t have to do 60 for the next 500m anymore.

I wonder if it was taken down by the workers or a member of the public?

The problem lies with ACT Roads (Dept). From experience dealing with this Department, I know, that the “so called Safety Manager” employed by the civil works developer, submits a Temporary Traffic Management Plan (TTM) to ACT Roads, which has to be approved then by a boffin from ACT Roads. This is minor comapared to some of the dooseys I have seen going thru ACT Roads.

Yamba Drive from Colbeck St to Kitchener St has at least 3 sets of roadworks obviously being performed by different contractors. At one point in the last few weeks there were 3 consecutive roadworks zones each within 20 metres of the last, the speed limits went 80, 60 (500m), 80 (20m), 60 (500m), 80 (100m), 60 (100m), 80 end. It seems to have mostly been resolved now by making the section from Kitchener St and Hindmarsh Dr all 60.

Shows how little planning goes into these roadworks and how little training the contractors have in setting up the roadworks signs.

la mente torbida said :

Sorry, what’s the problem?


End Roadworks….60km

You know you’re a true Canberran when that makes complete sense.

Lol. Yeah, I noticed that this morning. There has been a few accidents on that road lately.

Thoroughly Smashed3:35 pm 29 Jul 10

mooo_cow said :

Does anyone know if you need a ‘ticket’ or ‘certificate’ to post road work signs.

Yes, RTA NSW offer various non-overlapping accreditations depending on specific role and level of responsibility: http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/doingbusinesswithus/downloads/traffic_control_training/training_course_overview.pdf

la mente torbida3:27 pm 29 Jul 10

Sorry, what’s the problem?


End Roadworks….60km

I still can’t think what the guy was thinking which put it up.

80kph – check

End of the roadworks – check

Run out of 80 signs – check

Put up a 60 instead cause it is as close to 80 as they have – DONE.

I have even experienced a posted 80 speed limit sign in the city that should have stated 60 at the end of the road works. Does anyone know if you need a ‘ticket’ or ‘certificate’ to post road work signs. If they do they really need to be monitored and checked and fines handed out to the roadwork companies if they post incorrect signs, at least then they may double check their posted signs and maybe even ensure they are covered up correctly when not required.

grumpyrhonda11:26 am 29 Jul 10

The problem with road signs like this is that they are a revenue making scheme. Legally, (I believe) if there are two speed signs like this you are obligated to abide by the lesser speed. In turn, this will frustrate the hell out of other drivers who consider the speed limit to be 80kph.

Had the same thought on the way to work the last two days, but wasn’t quite motivated to take a camera on the bike. I think it is bad enough that they slow Drake Brockman Drive to 40km/h even though the actual road work in on the side road. Having the next 500m at 60km/h when it would normally be 80km, after going past the site of the road works makes no sense at all.

Holt… bless

Gungahlin Al11:07 am 29 Jul 10

Split the difference?

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