Facebook brings word of a fun night at the Polish Club:
The Canberra Musicians Club Presents: The Fuelers and Doctor Stovepipe in ‘Shootout at the Polish’.
Fans of country, western, country and western, western swing, alt.country, bluegrass, big hats, boots, short skirts, checked shorts, pig tails, black vests, dancing in lines, straw bales and horse shit take heed. Coming to a Polish Club near you real soon, an evening of all the above and more, the more (beer, sausages etc.) having a decidedly Polish but nonetheless authentic country flavour.
Dress in boot-scootin’ glory for a chance to win the best dressed dancin’ fool award. Possibly also a yodelling competition if anyone wants to have a go.
Bring: Six shooters, cigars, whips, dancing girls, good ol’ gals, ordinary gals, spittoons, chewin’ terbackie, lassos, an old yeller dawg and plenty of cowboy/girl attitude.
Red Indians also welcome (side entrance).