9 September 2024

Shorten means it when he says there's still much to get done

| Chris Johnson
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Bill Shorten at the National Press Club

NDIS and Government Services Minister Bill Shorten says he has a lot to do before leaving politics. Photo: Fernanda Pedroso (NPC).

Today, Monday, 9 September, kicks off another week with Bill Shorten still the Minister for the NDIS. He’s still the Minister for Government Services and he’s still in charge of Services Australia.

That’s a good thing.

The longer he stays in these portfolios the better.

Sure, he’s announced his intention to leave politics and take up the role of University of Canberra’s Vice-Chancellor, but that’s not until February.

And yes, there are only five sitting weeks of parliament left before the long summer break.

But a lot can be achieved in five weeks, and if you’re Bill Shorten, plenty will be done before February.

When it comes to the NDIS and government services overall, it can’t be said of Shorten that he doesn’t care.

As a newly elected federal MP and a mere parliamentary secretary in the newly elected Rudd government, he was the catalyst for the creation of the NDIS.

He has since, from both sides of the treasury benches, been the champion for its improvement.

Most recently, he negotiated the successful passage through parliament of some big NDIS reforms.

READ ALSO Shorten announces retirement, will become the University of Canberra’s next Vice-Chancellor

As controversial as those changes are, at their heart is a concerted move to end fraud in the system and ensure that genuine disability services are provided to those in genuine need.

His pride in getting the legislation passed was evident in his speech last week announcing his retirement from politics.

In another speech and on another topic just a couple of weeks earlier, his frustration was evident at the slow pace of bringing the perpetrators of the disgraceful Robodebt scheme to justice.

“I don’t buy that we haven’t had Robojustice,” he said in response to questions following his address to the National Press Club.

“We helped organise the class action, which saw the payments. I mean, that doesn’t compensate people for what they’ve gone through, but it’s $1.8 billion better than it was before.

“I think it’s a permanent entry on the Wikipedia of all of those ministers who are involved. They’ll carry that with them for all time.

“I think that we’ve learned new processes as a result, and we’ve been responding to the Royal Commission’s recommendations.

“You can never get true justice because it should never have happened. It was unlawful.”

But trying and failing to get the sealed section of the report of the Royal Commission into the scheme released publicly – the part that names public servants and former public servants who had been referred for prosecution – remains a sore point for him.

“I haven’t won that argument yet,” Shorten said.

“I’m an optimist, but listen, I think the Royal Commissioner did a great job. [Royal Commissioner Catherine Holmes] sealed it.

“I don’t have that power [to unseal it]. So anyway, I’ll just try and use whatever powers of persuasion [I have].”

Shorten cares – about people, equality and justice.

But he also cares about his own legacy. That’s a good thing, too.

He was never a popular Opposition Leader and obviously failed to seize the big prize, but Shorten has always been an incredibly hard worker.

READ ALSO National Cabinet puts serious money on the table to help address domestic violence

His role in the removals of two Labor prime ministers didn’t endear him to a large section of the public, with the “faceless men” moniker lingering with him perhaps longer than it should have.

Since Labor’s reelection in 2022, Shorten as minister has regained some popularity and earned some well-deserved respect.

Shorten has an ego as big as the best (and worst) of politicians.

He can have a temper at times, too (remember piegate?).

He’s sometimes awkward and can be a bit of a dag.

But he’s also super smart, rat cunning and well-intended.

So when he said last week that there are still things to achieve in his portfolio before he leaves parliament, he meant it. He even started to list what they were.

When he does leave politics in February, he will be missed – especially by Anthony Albanese, even if the Prime Minister doesn’t realise it just yet.

Shorten is easily one of this government’s best performers.

With the PM becoming increasingly on the nose, he needs as many good performers around him as possible – even if they do threaten his leadership.

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Bill Shorten would have been PM if he had dismissed the politics of envy that we are now saddled with

“Shorten means it when he says there’s still much to get done”

I have every faith that he does.

Mr Shorten is or at least was a member of the Fabian Society socialists, making him one of several other prominent Labor Party politicians who were/are also members, including Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke and Julia Gillard. This can be confirmed at the Fabians’ Australian website, as well as other trust worthy online sources.

The main emblem of the Fabian Society is literally the wolf in sheep’s clothing, while another is a tortoise with the words “when I strike, I strike hard.” The meaning of the wolf emblem should be clear, while that of the tortoise is this: that the Fabians should move slowly, patiently and imperceptibly towards their goal of socialism, and then, when the time is right, carry off a dramatic and shocking event for society, whose effects they can then use to their advantage – very similar in nature to what happened with COVID. For confirmation of the wolf and tortoise emblems, simply look them up online.

Therefore, whatever it is that Mr Shorten has to do or wishes to be done, I’ll be treating it with the utmost suspicion, which is only fitting for a member of an out-and-out socialist group, which says of itself that it’s a sneaky wolf.

Thanks for the history lesson Vasily highlighting your ignorance and antagonism towards progressive politics!

The Fabian Society is one of Australia’s oldest advocacy groups encouraging progressive political debate, researching and developing positive political ideas and equality through policy reform. Their work is even more important today after ten years of stagnant and conservative leadership!

Their work includes environmental and climate change action, taxation reforms to reduce inequality, representing workers’ interests, women’s rights etc. etc.

Well, since “Jack D” supports it, you just know it is a societal cancer that benefits only the “You’ll own nothing and be happy” cabal.

I’ve never read more nonsense. Bill cares about Bill and keeping Bills nose in the trough.

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