27 January 2025

Small ideas can bring big benefits - these community groups are proof

| Morgan Kenyon
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excited kids on soccer field

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to enrol their child in sport, so this football club makes sure local families experiencing financial stress get a fair go. Photo: Tahlia Daily.

Canberra’s vibrant inner-northern suburbs are some of the most diverse in the city, peppered with social and community groups working on projects big and small.

There are knitting guilds, chess players, serial volunteers and would-be philosophers – all gathering to share in an interest or goal.

Many of them started with a single idea; someone determined to fill a gap, provide a service or make a difference.

There’s a ripple effect when community members come together, and these inner-north initiatives are a great example of how one person’s passion can have far-reaching impacts that strengthen entire cohorts.

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The first can be found in Majura Football Club. It began with long-time volunteers Bob and Rhonda Parkin, who spent years passionately organising barbecues, raffles and baked goods stalls at the club to help families in need.

The couple’s efforts have since evolved into the Parkin Fund. Administered by the club itself, the fund helps cover uniforms, membership and registration fees for children who wouldn’t be able to play otherwise.

Jo Smith has been involved in the Majura Football Club for around 20 years. Over the past two decades she’s seen many a child flourish on the field, but it’s the impact team sport has on their confidence, health and social skills that really warms her heart.

“We often work with refugee families, those who have escaped family violence and kids whose parents are ill,” Jo says.

“Sometimes the best part of their week is coming out to sport. It gives them a chance to make new friends, develop their skills, and in some cases, go on to play at an elite level.

“There are benefits for parents and carers too – they get to connect with others in their community and work on their English while watching their kids thrive.”

The Parkin Fund runs entirely on contributions from club members and local businesses including The Tradies.

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Suzanne Hartley’s love for gardening led to the flourishing of shared space in Brindabella Court Retirement Village, Downer, much to the delight of residents and their families.

Suzanne moved into the village a few years ago. Looking out to the community courtyard one afternoon, she thought it looked a bit “sad”. Perhaps some green would do it good?

“There had been a gardening group before I arrived, but it had ceased to exist and the village had no experienced gardener on staff at the time. The grounds hadn’t been looked after properly for a while,” she says.

“The manager and I met up with a few other residents and cleaned up a section of the courtyard that was then just a dirt patch. We bought a raised, covered veggie pod and planted radish, corn, tomatoes, carrots and strawberries.”

Over time the village began growing herbs for cooking, some dwarf fruit trees and foliage. The grounds were looking better, but there was still work to be done.

About 12 months later, Suzanne organised a community raffle to help fund raised garden beds, which would be easier on residents’ bodies, particularly during weeding.

“I approached nearby businesses I knew my village neighbours patronised such as The Tradies and Centerpiece in Dickson, and to my delight many of them were happy to donate a prize,” Suzanne says.

“This was a massive help. With the money we raised, we were able to organise multiple raised beds, a lovely path between them and a shaded area for summer.

These days the courtyard is a shared haven, filled with perennial flowers and herbs, dwarf fruits and seasonal veggies. Residents can take what they need when they need it, popping a few coins in the gardening group’s honesty box in return.

It’s a place for the village to gather, a peaceful retreat with the shared purpose of connecting their every day.

For more information about local community ventures, visit The Tradies.


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