In the budget submissions story PantsMan made some suggestions which struck me as worthy of a wider audience:
2012/12/20 at 10:45 amHere are some ideas:
* Sell our public art collection to Macquarie Bank and lease it back for 50 years. (What this would achieve, I don’t know, but it would be the final ridiculous cherry on that public expenditure disaster.)
* Close the Commerce and Works Directorate. Contract with a big four accounting firm to perform their functions.
* Close ACT Health (after the Royal Commission) and pay NSW to provide all healthcare in the ACT.
* Take sports funding out of Andrew Barr’s hands and place it under the control of an expert advisory board.
* repeal the Human Rights Act, close the Human Right Commission, and refer our powers in this area to the Commonwealth.
* Repeal the Heritage Act.
* Split ACTION into two companies, privatise one. Then offer government subsidies on a competitive tendering basis. If ACTION cannot make a profit in five years, close it.
* Hold a commission of inquiry into what “Transport Officers” do. If they do noting more than talk to their mates-who are actually driving the buses-at the Civic Interchange, sack them.
* Sell ACTEW. Or at least ban any expenditure by ACTEW sponsorships and corporate hospitality. (I never though about buying water until I saw an ACTEW ad on TV.)
* Increase land release until housing prices fall 50 per cent. Remove all planing restrictions that prevent high density housing.
* Close the ACT Public Library system, and give people free bus tickets to the National Library.
* Close any school that is not 80 per cent full.
* Enter into a MoU with NSW to have the NSW Auditor-General and the NSW ICAC oversight the ACT.
So what do you think of the PantsMan agenda and would you vote for it?