8 October 2024

Survivor of jailed child abuser Joseph Tarzia calls him 'purely disgusting'

| Albert McKnight
Coat of Arms on court building

Joseph Tarzia, 32, was convicted in the ACT Magistrates Court on Friday. Photo: Michelle Kroll.

CONTENT WARNING: This article refers to child abuse.

The “monster” who indecently assaulted a 10-year-old girl twice has been blasted in court by his survivor as “purely disgusting”.

Joseph Tarzia, a now-32-year-old truck driver, pleaded guilty to a charge of committing an act of indecency on a person aged under 16 before facing the ACT Magistrates Court for sentencing on Friday (4 October).

The court heard that in 2020, he was aged 28 and was a friend of the girl’s family.

He indecently assaulted her on two occasions that year by touching her genitals, with the first assault lasting for 10 minutes and the second lasting five minutes.

After the first assault, he told her he would buy her lollies if she didn’t tell anyone what happened, then gave her a bag of Skittles several days later.

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In a statement read to the court by her mother, the girl said Tarzia had “ruined” her childhood.

“Every time you laid a hand on me, I felt dirty … I was just a little kid and no child should have to go through something as traumatising as this,” the girl wrote in her statement.

“You clearly have no respect for women and I hope that you know that.

“Touching a sweet and innocent young girl – you are purely disgusting.”

Her mother told the court that Tarzia was a “monster” and her daughter was not the same as she was before the assaults. However, she was still a strong person.

“This whole process has shown me her strength and bravery,” her mother said.

ACT Magistrates Court. Photo: file.

Joseph Tarzia will be released from custody after he serves six months behind bars. Photo: File.

Special Magistrate Sean Richter described the statements from the girl and her mother as “heartbreaking”.

“The effect on this child has been devastating,” he said.

Prosecutor Gretta Cuthel said Tarzia tried to reward the girl for her silence by offering her lollies.

He had tried to explain his offending as occurring during “a low point” in his life, being a relationship breakdown, financial trouble and employment issues.

She also said while he claimed he no longer used drugs, he had tested positive for cocaine.

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Defence barrister Ben Clark said his client had told the author of a court report he felt “terrible” about what he had done and argued his client did understand the impact of his offending.

Mr Clark also said his client had a $100,000 debt on his truck and drove every day from Canberra to Sydney and back while trying his best to keep his transport company running.

Tarzia had written a letter for the court promising to seek professional help, but Special Magistrate Richter said it was unfortunate he hadn’t done that in the last four years between committing the offences and appearing for sentencing.

The special magistrate said he was hopeful for Tarzia’s rehabilitation, but his conduct was so grossly criminal that nothing but jail would suffice.

Tarzia was convicted and sentenced to 15 months’ jail, to be suspended after he serves six months behind bars then enters a good behaviour order for two years with conditions that he go to counselling for sexual offending and violence against children as directed.

He will be released from custody in April 2025.

If this story has raised any concerns for you, 1800RESPECT, the national 24-hour sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line, can be contacted on 1800 737 732 or by visiting www.1800respect.org.au. Help and support are also available through the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre on 02 6247 2525, the Domestic Violence Crisis Service ACT 02 6280 0900, the Sexual Violence Legal Services on 6257 4377 and Lifeline on 13 11 14. In an emergency, call Triple Zero.

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