Lifeline ACT CEO Carrie-Ann Leeson is glad the Canberra community is focussing on their mental health and well-being. Photo: Michelle Kroll
Lifeline Canberra reported overwhelming demand for their free mental health training earlier this week and had to close bookings at 500 participants. But no one will miss out. Lifeline Canberra has announced they will run additional courses.
From day one of lockdown, Lifeline Canberra proactively stepped in to help Canberrans and offered a live online course, The art and practices of self-compassion and reflection.
The 2.5-hour course is an evidence-informed mental health program designed to help understand how self-compassion increases well-being and emotional resilience. The course delves into the difference between self-compassion and self-care and identifies ways to adopt robust self-compassion practices.
Anyone can do the course; participants just need access to a computer with a webcam and audio connection. The course is being offered free of charge.
“We have been overwhelmed with the demand for our first course,” Lifeline Canberra CEO Carrie-Ann Leeson said. “However, we have now opened up a new date for those who missed out on the first session.
“We are so glad that the Canberra community is focussing on their mental health and well-being. We will keep running these courses as long as there is demand for them,” Ms Leeson said.
“We know there are those in the community who will greatly benefit from learning skills of self-compassion and awareness. We have spent the past 12 months designing courses for this purpose.”

With lockdown extended, it is more important than ever to focus on increasing our well-being and emotional resilience. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
The next course will be run on Friday, 27 August at 3:30 pm. Registrations close at 12:00 pm on Thursday, 26 August, to give the team enough time to email all participants the workbooks and resources they need along with the Zoom link.
For anyone struggling with lockdown, remember it is OK not to be OK. If you need support, call Lifeline Canberra anytime on 13 11 14.
For more information or to register, visit Lifeline Canberra.