Our brave leader has announced that the target for land release has been exceeded!
“I am pleased to announce the ACT Government has exceeded its residential land release target for 2007-08, by releasing 3,400 blocks of land,” Mr Stanhope said. “Increasing the supply of land is one of 62 initiatives in the ACT Government’s Affordable Housing Action Plan, which is helping more Canberrans access more affordable and appropriate housing.”
The plan is on target! this must be nearly as good as being Stalin without getting to shoot anyone.
Anyone noticing a reduction in rents around the place?
Government is not, however, completely joined up yet. We’re still spending up big to attract people to a city in need of a 62 point housing plan. Mr Stanhope has also announced that a whole 80 newcomers to Canberra are going to get a look at the AIS as part of the “Live in Canberra” program.
At what point do they just go on a tour like everyone else? Or take the salaries of the team spent organising these twice-monthly shindigs and just give it to them?