29 June 2021

Tax Agents in Canberra...?

| jambamafi
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I’ve just realised that I only have a couple of weeks to get my tax return in for last financial year, and am hoping to get someone else to do the dirty work for me.

I’ve just got individual income, no properties or investments etc. so it is pretty straight forward. Etax isn’t an option.

READ ALSO The best tax accountants in Canberra

Any recommendations for value for money and time efficient tax agent (in both preparing the return and getting the money into my account!) I am hoping to avoid a potential 30 weeks mail lodgement turnaround from the ATO if possible.

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There is a business in gunghalin when i drive through to work http://www.globalaccountingservices.com.au/ . They have a sign board saying $ 75 tax return.


locally owned and operated, no mess no fuss, electronic lodgement
FYI – ATO is currently turning around refunds in 10 days

Send them an email, your return could be lodged in 24hrs

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