Having a conversation with my younger brother today about whether he and his wife should come and live in the ACT or surrounds, (from Sydney), to enable them to more easily afford a house/apartment.
Having discussed this with him many times before, I am familiar with some of the reasons as to why they can’t. The reason given today was new to me though….
His wife is a teacher in the NSW public system. She’s approximately 30 years of age, and teaches in primary school in Strathfield. It appears that whilst there may be a slight pay decrease to move into the ACT system, she is more concerned about the fact that, “teachers in Canberra, aren’t allowed to spend too many years at one school – they get moved around”.
Being thankfully a couple of years away from having to tackle schools yet, I am not familiar with the intricacies of the ACT system. Can anyone tell me if the above statement is true?
Personally, I can’t see that it’s such a bad thing, however it seems to be the thing that is holding up further consideration of a move to Canberra.
(I would like to add that my brother and his wife are fine upstanding perople and that no one should be too worried about them moving to Canberra)