I have a friend. Lets call her Miss Mac.
Miss Mac is a customer of TransACT for her internet and home phone. Last Saturday both services ceased working. Miss Mac phoned TransAct and was told the next available technician would be Tuesday. Miss Mac agreed (it was a long weekend after all).
Upon inspection it was found the neighbour had cut the cable from the junction box on the front side boundry, whilst digging post holes for his new fence. The cable needed to be replaced. (from the box to the house). TransAct only rent the use of the lines from Telstra. Telstra is responsible for the maintenance of the asset.
Miss Mac phoned Telstra and was told the next available technicion would be in 2 weeks time. WTF?. Miss Mac is doing some studies and needs the internet for research. If I know Miss Mac an argument ensued.
Several days and phone calls later Miss Mac demanded a reason for the delay.
Bottom line – Telstra has no cable………Thats right…..No cable.
A big WTF?
After picking herself off the floor from laughing, she explained that age old theory to them which is NO service, NO payment. At least for half of the month.
Miss Mac was told that she MUST pay because TransAct still had to pay Telstra for the rental and they would be out pocket.
Is there a cable shortage? Or cant they afford it after the reported $13 million dollar pay cheques.
My Staffy dog can lay better cables.