Last June we had a look at planning for the Aboriginal Tent Embassy’s 40th anniversary.
Today pink little birdie has reminded me that’s it’s full steam ahead.
This from the Facebook event page:
Indigenous elders invite all Aboriginal people, supporters and other members of the general public, to come together at the ‘Aboriginal Tent Embassy’ site, on Thursday 26th January 2012, to celebrate “SOVEREIGNTY DAY” and be part of the Sacred Fire Ceremonial Gathering that will marks 40 years since the first protest on the site.
The ‘Federation of Aboriginal Sovereign Nations’ will be convening on Thursday 26th January 2012 where the focus of discussions will center around Sovereignty Issues.
After Sovereignty Business has been attended to by the ‘Federation of Aboriginal Sovereign Nations’ we will have a big Sovereignty Corroboree, over the rest of the weekend.
One Mob Represents Aboriginal people of Australia and a call to stand united as one.
One Voice Stands for a free Aboriginal Voice.For further information please contact: niokac32a@hotmail.com
Apparently the Australian “occupy” movement are getting involved, they could certainly use some lessons in sticking to it from the tent embassy.