Andrew Barr and Simon Corbell have joined forces to whack a bandaid on the festering sore of access to justice in the ACT:
ACT Attorney-General, Simon Corbell, today announced the ACT Government will provide more than $1 million over four years to establish a new home for the Territory’s community legal centres, which are currently housed at Havelock House.
“Community legal centres provide free legal services to disadvantaged groups including women, people with a disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness within the ACT community,” Mr Corbell said.
“Each of these groups has been made a priority of the government, as needing particular support to address the disadvantage they face.
The funding, to be contained in the 2013-14 ACT Budget, will assist with renting commercial accommodation on an ongoing basis to establish a new Community Legal Hub to house the Welfare Rights and Legal Centre, the Women’s Legal Centre and the Tenants Union.