Cry no more readers, Territory And Municipal Services have the joyous news that the Button Wrinklewort is being re-introduced to the Jerrabombera Grasslands!
“The Button Wrinklewort, a perennial wildflower with yellow button flowers, is only found in remnant patches of roadsides and small isolated reserves such as railway easements and cemeteries. It is especially sensitive to grazing, ploughing and the application of fertilisers,” Mr Galvin said.
“Our reintroduction of the Button Wrinklewort is an effort to establish a viable, self-sustaining population within the protected precinct of the Jerrabomberra Grasslands Nature Reserve. The grasslands are an ideal location for the project because of the similarities in habitat and proximity to existing Button Wrinklewort remnant patches.
“Six plots have been established at the grasslands from seeds collected from locations across the ACT. Almost 4000 Button Wrinkleworts have been either sown or planted in the hope that the reintroduced plants will survive and reproduce, creating offspring with viable seeds.
You’ll be telling your grandchildren where you were this day when you heard this news!