This may seem petty and insignificant to some, but this morning my routine has been slightly displaced by the anti-smoking fascists. The bins/ashtrays at the entrances at Woden Plaza have all been removed.
I assume this has been prompted by overly concerned moral crusaders who have taken offence to the waft of smoke that hangs around the poor freezing addicts who have been vainly seeking shelter from the elements by the ashtrays at the entrances to the non-smoking paradise that is the Plaza.
This all makes sense to some extent, but where do I put my cigarette butts. Just because you take away the ashtrays doesn’t mean the smokers disappear. Now they just make more mess. Keep an eye out for suspiciously large piles of butts by the automatic doors next time you’re in Woden.
Has this happened elsewhere… just one more slow and measured step towards our final and social death (pre-empting the slower debilitating hold of lung disease).