![oxygen thief](http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/--pmQzhpGE0s/UZQXUbGj8XI/AAAAAAABGPA/DrgKx-iO5aY/s600/08_2013.02.11_17.13.18.jpg)
On the 11th of Feb 2013, I was returning to the HACS building in Belconnen to drop off some work. As I was pulling in to the driveway next to Zeffirelli’s that leads to the car-park area; there was a bloke in business attire that stepped right in front of me with what appeared to be headphones on and what appeared to be a APS pass hanging off his belt. I gave him a love tap on the horn to make him aware that I was there and drove on through.
After parking in the Loading Zone I got my work and proceeded into HACS. As I stepped through the glass entry doors I realized I had forgot my mobile phone so I turned back around and there was the same bloke, he was bending down and stabbing my back left tire. I approached him and asked him what he was doing, the coward took one look at me and started running for it. I gave chase but with leather work boots and an arm full of paperwork flying everywhere I just couldn’t catch him. There were several quite surprised witnesses to this event as it occurred in an ACT Government Car-park.
Imagine that, not being able to take a little warning honk and risking my life and the lives of others by vandalizing an ACT Government contractors car. If I hadn’t have seen this bloke puncturing the tyre I may have driven off and lost control around a crowd of people and/or other cars. With the help of some friendly CCTV owners I have a couple of shots of this criminal, it is unlikely that he will be caught for this act but I dare say my employers tyre isn’t the first that he has stabbed.
If the perp’ ever reads this; You had a stabbing implement in your hand and you were STILL too cowardly to stop and face me. If someone honks you and you don’t like it – get the heck over it or confront them to their face. Don’t endanger peoples lives over it. If you are a Commonwealth employee, you have breached the APS Code of Conduct and should be fired for this. The next person you do this to may run faster than me and you won’t be so lucky next time. Coward.
Please see photo lifted from CCTV of him running away past Zeffirelli’s. He could certainly move that is for sure. (sending photo to JB over email)