This just in from our friends at the ABC:
1. SENATE SELECTION Zed Seselja and Gary Humphries used to be friends. Now they are rivals for the Liberal senate endorsement. Humphries has the runs on the board and suggests there’s been some dirty pool. Seselja says it’s just democracy at work – and Liberals should be prepared to stand up for Liberal values.
2. BUNDA ST Yet some more planning proposals for the centre of Canberra – this time in a, perhaps vain, attempt to get cyclists, motorists and pedestrians to play nice.
3. NEW START One single mother talks about the reality of her life on welfare
4. BEES Canberra gardeners are being encouraged to put a hive in their backyard – and share the proceeds with a local honey maker.
— CLOSER – TOULOUSE LAUTREC… with some music from Midnight in Paris..