I can’t think for the life of me why our PM would want to suggest that the world as we know it will cease to be if the Scots get independence. But then, perhaps the world as he knows it may just end.
Perhaps the flag may need to be revisited with the withdrawal of the St Andrew’s Cross; perhaps we could include on our new on the indigenous flags and save money on flag costs.
Perhaps the sense of separation from the British monarchy might just take hold here and we have a resurgent republican movement. I can only hope on this one.
Perhaps the United Kingdom may have to change to remove Scotland from the kingdom, but perhaps it could include Australia, NZ and Canada? Horrible thought!
Perhaps our PM thinks that his opinion in the matter counts for anything overseas. I doubt it. In fact, I doubt if any in Scotland could tell you the name of our PM.
Perhaps he is doing his Conservative mates a favour. Interesting, I thought that Cameron was a Scottish name and that the Brit PM was a more powerful actor on the world stage and didn’t need an understudy.
Perhaps he is doing this as a distraction from the Hockey budget debacle, the Abetz attack on the public service, the Morrison attack on boat people, the Pyne attack on education, the Bishop attack on our reputation overseas.
Perhaps as John Howard was regarded as Deputy Sheriff to George Bush, he wants to be Deputy Marshal to PM Cameron.
Or perhaps he just doesn’t know when to keep his trap shut!
As the song goes… perhaps, perhaps, perhaps…