8 October 2013

Tuesday GOLIATH Parking Post

| Barcham
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Dear Lord you have been busy Rioters,

71 parking photos this week.


I’ve been cropping and editing and resizing and sticking little “RiotACT” labels over all the license plates all morning.

71! Madness!

So did everyone just take more photos, or is poor parking becoming an epidemic?


Have a poor parking photo you want shared? Send it to images@the-riotact.com!

Be sure to include the word parking in the subject and to let us know what name you would like to be credited with.

1. John managed a parking space near Questacon:

Choice anxiety is a horrible thing. Best to just avoid it.


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2. Erkzo offers up a fresh batch:

Heres a few for you!

Car Car Car Car

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3. Curlylocks has been collecting these for a while:

Car Car Car Car Car Car Car

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4. GerryBuilt gives us a two-hit combo:

ACT GovCo car, midday Wednesday at Lake Ginn College…


Outside lake ginn college, midday… Tradie, of course… Plenty of nearby parking (school holidays)


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5. CC brings us some more poor parking:

So this car and trailer billboard combo has been parked full time in a three hr space near Questacon. The impressive achievement though is somehow getting the Smart Car over the concrete stopper.

Car Car

Breaking 3 or 4 parking rules at once.


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6. Goggles13 caught this with his perfectly dry eyes:

Spotted near the discount chemist in woden.

Car Car

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7. Tigs spots some lovely hospital goers:

At the Canberra Hospital on Wednesday – both cars over the lines & taking 3 car parks in a busy car park. So considerate!


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8. Grump gives the goods:

2 more for the Canberra parking saga, one at Jamison, the gift that keeps on giving!


The second on Cameron Avenue Belconnen where at 8am, the guy just pulled off the road on to the median strip while I was at the lights, got out and delivered what must have been an urgent delivery of beans for the morning coffee rush at the cafe across the road!


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9. AmarooStu spots the best bit:

Best bit was – there were no cars to the left of the Hyundai! Just makes it a little bit harder to get kids in/out of cars.


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10. PorkHunt checks on our neighbours:

Spotted at Qbn Roos Club.


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11. Matt finds a doozy:


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12. Genie sees no need to be a douche:

Taken in the Nishi building.

I understand that the ute was full of wood that stuck out about a metre from the back, so they wouldn’t fit in just one car park.

However ! There was no need to be a douche and park diagonally across 2 disabled carparks.


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13. Ben Dover has travelled far to bring us these:

Car Car

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14. Richard has been busy:

Series taken on friday at Hinder st Gungahlin.

Car Car

Series taken a couple of weeks ago at Coombs Close outside the coombs building at the ANU.

Car Car Car

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15. Michelle forages for shots at Belco Mall:

The first one has it’s rear wheel on a no-parking sign.

Car Car Car

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16. RN slipped us these on the hush hush:

Must be too far to walk from the overflow parking to the treadmills at CISAC.

Car Car Car Car Car Car

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17. Ryan calls us a special offer:

Not one but two: one in a loading zone and the other in the no parking space between disabled parking bays. For the later effort/red car, this guy was gone for about 15 – 20 and I won’t comment on the fact that he left what looked like a 2 year old in the back seat alone while he was gone…

Car Car

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18. Hackett is not amused:

This photo was taken on Saturday afternoon at The Dickson Woolies car park. The driver is clearly a wanker for two reasons: 1. his wankerish personalised number plate and 2. Parking in the yellow zone next to a disabled park. There were dozens of free spots available a few meters further. Idiot!


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19. Morgan takes his first step into a larger world:

Spotted in the Canberra hospital carpark Monday 7th October. Nabbed my first one 😉


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20. Gonebatty!!

I thought you might like this picture I snapped up today out at the Cotter play ground/walking trail. Seems like the owner is a law unto their own. This is a bit excessive considering there was only one other car in the whole car park. It did sound nice when he left the carpark up the hill….


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21. Sheep Groper isn’t friends with that workman I’m assuming:

A set of parking miscreants around Murulla Lane in Civic, a couple of tradies that think keep
clear doesn’t apply to them, and a couple of people who don’t mind being an obstacle to
vehicles entering the lane by standing in the no standing zone by the entrance.

Car Car Car Car

The cheap chemist was a lesson in pedestrian observational abilities as the white car backed
into a family starting to cross behind the car as it made its exit. As always photos of the
cheap chemist zebra crossing are taken when there’s ample free parking around the corner.

Car Car

Also, I was wondering, are loading zones free game on weekends and after business hours?
I see cars parked there but never do so myself as I don’t think ordinary cars should be there,
no matter the time or day.


And I was at my favourite Dickson restaurant on the weekend, snapping two vehicles parked
in the pick up and drop off only zone. The van was DC plated, sterling job of keeping up the
reputation of the blue plates guys.


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22. Tim drops quite a collection on us:

This large lady parked her car illegally and left me wondering about cause and effect – was she so fat because she was always so lazy as shown by her not wanting to walk the extra 20m from a legal parking space, or was it because she was carrying all those extra kilos that she was unable to walk the extra 20m from a legal parking space – I reckon if I was carrying around the equivalent of a bag of cement all day every day, I’d be wanting to park as close as possible too.


Yes, that’s a ‘No Parking’ sign you can see there.


What is it with cheap chemists?

Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car Car

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SheepGroper said :

davo101 said :

Since when have number plates been registration plates?

When the letters got put on them?

Think you’ll find the law would disagree.

davo101 said :

Since when have number plates been registration plates?

When the letters got put on them?

Ben_Dover said :

13. Taken in “Old South Wales”!

Nice to see our Welsh cousins consider that being unable to park is a handicap.

Blen_Carmichael said :

Since when did registration plates become “license plates”? Yet another victim of the Americanisms juggernaut.

Since when have number plates been registration plates?

13. Taken in “Old South Wales”!

Gerry-Built said :

JC said :

They most certainly can be, provided they pay the fee for the permit,

That’s not what the advice I was given by Parking Operations; trucks, utes and vans only was the advice I was given (in writing); with my sedan/trailer combo a definite no-no…

Afraid your advice was wrong. What you will find the vehicles you mention are automatically considered a goods vehicle. Station wagons registered in a business name can get a free 10 minute loading zone permit, or you can buy a 10, 20 or 30 minute loading zone permit for any other vehicle.



JC said :

They most certainly can be, provided they pay the fee for the permit,

That’s not what the advice I was given by Parking Operations; trucks, utes and vans only was the advice I was given (in writing); with my sedan/trailer combo a definite no-no…

jayskette said :

re Page 21 – I heard that hatchbacks are considered working vehicles and thus can park at loading zones

They most certainly can be, provided they pay the fee for the permit, and display it of course. That said that loading zone is capable of holding two vehicles, yet this one is parked smack bang in the middle meaning only one can fit.

Deref said :

Blen_Carmichael said :

Since when did registration plates become “license plates”? Yet another victim of the Americanisms juggernaut.


+2 hate the expression.

Blen_Carmichael said :

Snarky said :

Blen_Carmichael said :

Since when did registration plates become “license plates”? Yet another victim of the Americanisms juggernaut.

Did it prevent you understanding what Barcham meant?

Not at all. I was just wondering who, or rather which version of the English language, we’re supposed to be rooting for.

I see what you did there.

Blen_Carmichael5:58 pm 09 Oct 13

Snarky said :

Blen_Carmichael said :

Since when did registration plates become “license plates”? Yet another victim of the Americanisms juggernaut.

Did it prevent you understanding what Barcham meant?

Not at all. I was just wondering who, or rather which version of the English language, we’re supposed to be rooting for.

“Especially for those with expensive cars who feel taking up two spots is their right so no one will scratch their car.”

Here’s an idea – if everyone actually respected other people’s property (for example, dinging doors or scratching paintwork) people wouldn’t have to take 2 spots to avoid it. If you don’t give two sh*ts about your car, stop and think before damaging someone else’s.

watto23 said :

Especially for those with expensive cars who feel taking up two spots is their right so no one will scratch their car.

Having looked through the other 70 photos above, I’m finding myself feeling a little sympathetic towards them.

I don’t necessarily think parking on the nature strip is bad parking, just lazy/selfish/don’t care parking.

But where people can’t put a car between the lines is bad parking and where tickets should be issued with a requirement to resit their license within say 3 months. same for other traffic infringements.
Especially for those with expensive cars who feel taking up two spots is their right so no one will scratch their car.

dph said :

– Anyone else notice the silver 4WD was photographed by two separate posters? Posts #3 & #14. Looks like the pics were taken on the same rainy day too..

I thought the same thing. The same white car is in the background.

tim_c said :

goggles13 said :

Benaresq said :

goggles13 said :

the problem is that by not going all the way into its space and lining up properly, the dark car made it difficult for the silver car to get out.

The back of the black car is still further in than the silver Commodore next to it, it could be a bit straighter, but there is nothing wrong with that park.

you would be right in other carparks where there is more space, but this carpark is so tight it is impossible to reverse a commodore out and have space at the front to turn and leave the carpark

So how is that the fault of the driver of the Getz?! As has been said previously, the Getz is taking up less space than the grey Commode-door next to it, so why don’t we also get a photo of the grey Commode-door (and any other car in the car park) taking up too much space?

Agreed, number #6 is parked fine. OK could be straighter but its not close to the line. If the silver commodore driver cannot get out of that park then they shouldn’t be driving that vehicle either. If anything the car to the right of the black car is parked worse, its, bumper is up over the gutter!

Blen_Carmichael said :

Since when did registration plates become “license plates”? Yet another victim of the Americanisms juggernaut.

I think a while ago, I’ve always known them as such. Wasn’t even aware it was an Americanism until now.

Blen_Carmichael said :

Since when did registration plates become “license plates”? Yet another victim of the Americanisms juggernaut.

Did it prevent you understanding what Barcham meant?

goggles13 said :

Benaresq said :

goggles13 said :

the problem is that by not going all the way into its space and lining up properly, the dark car made it difficult for the silver car to get out.

The back of the black car is still further in than the silver Commodore next to it, it could be a bit straighter, but there is nothing wrong with that park.

you would be right in other carparks where there is more space, but this carpark is so tight it is impossible to reverse a commodore out and have space at the front to turn and leave the carpark

So how is that the fault of the driver of the Getz?! As has been said previously, the Getz is taking up less space than the grey Commode-door next to it, so why don’t we also get a photo of the grey Commode-door (and any other car in the car park) taking up too much space?

bigfeet said :

Every week I live in fear that my car will be in one of these Parking Madness posts.

Mrs Bigfeet is an absolute horrible parker…just terrible…particularly when she uses my car which is quite bigger than her own.

She has committed almost every sin that I have seen on previous pages.

This week there are seventy one …oh I just know…surely it will be there!

Too scared to look.

I keep trying to get my car in this select bunch of parking awesomeness!

Mr Poetix’s car made it into the pantheon once. And guess who took the photo?

#18 needs more detail on the wankerish personalized plate….

Blen_Carmichael said :

Since when did registration plates become “license plates”? Yet another victim of the Americanisms juggernaut.


– Anyone else notice the silver 4WD was photographed by two separate posters? Posts #3 & #14. Looks like the pics were taken on the same rainy day too.

– The “no parking” spot in front of the Kingston Post Office seems to feature almost every week.

– Sheep Groper is the undisputed champion of the “Bad Parking” threads. The Cheap Chemist in Woden should pay he/she for all the advertising they’ve given them.

re Page 21 – I heard that hatchbacks are considered working vehicles and thus can park at loading zones

Holden Caulfield9:44 pm 08 Oct 13

71 photos!

This is just the best, haha. Keep up the good work everyone.

for #3 Kambah ones – I have never ever seen a group of taxi’s at that rank (or even one), so I say fair enough

Benaresq said :

goggles13 said :

the problem is that by not going all the way into its space and lining up properly, the dark car made it difficult for the silver car to get out.

The back of the black car is still further in than the silver Commodore next to it, it could be a bit straighter, but there is nothing wrong with that park.

you would be right in other carparks where there is more space, but this carpark is so tight it is impossible to reverse a commodore out and have space at the front to turn and leave the carpark

So Floriade parking’s off limits for this thread, eh…?

Every week I live in fear that my car will be in one of these Parking Madness posts.

Mrs Bigfeet is an absolute horrible parker…just terrible…particularly when she uses my car which is quite bigger than her own.

She has committed almost every sin that I have seen on previous pages.

This week there are seventy one …oh I just know…surely it will be there!

Too scared to look.

I have no problem with people parking on the grass kerbs but that Dawson’s Van is an idiot!!!! Bet he would be the first person to complain if he was sitting at the give way sign and not be able to see around a great big Van parked on the kerb like they are.

goggles13 said :

the problem is that by not going all the way into its space and lining up properly, the dark car made it difficult for the silver car to get out.

The back of the black car is still further in than the silver Commodore next to it, it could be a bit straighter, but there is nothing wrong with that park.

With the amount of SUVs in carparks, it pays for the driver of a short car to not pull all the way in; that way it doesn’t look like an empty spot for the next person coming along.

Blen_Carmichael5:19 pm 08 Oct 13

Since when did registration plates become “license plates”? Yet another victim of the Americanisms juggernaut.

Pitchka said :

johnboy said :

The lead one!

This is what happens when you give a woman too many options…

This is very true !!!

qbninthecity said :

I don’t get what the issue is with No 6? They are within the lines (from what I can see), and appear not to be sticking out further than the silver car next to it.

the problem is that by not going all the way into its space and lining up properly, the dark car made it difficult for the silver car to get out.

qbninthecity4:23 pm 08 Oct 13

I don’t get what the issue is with No 6? They are within the lines (from what I can see), and appear not to be sticking out further than the silver car next to it.

Actually, it’s a triple! The car in front of the Peugeot is also parked illegally!

Hmmm, #5 is a double.

p16 – CISAC is always like this. And bizarrely so; as the sender states, these are people going to work out, but take brain-dead measures to cut fifty yards (ok, maybe a hunj) from their walk. There’s always legitimate parks up the back, but they cover the footpaths instead. Does my head in every time I go there (thankfully rarely these days).

Also does my head in that the parkies don’t hit Jammo/CISAC on a weekly basis; they’d retire the national debt in the first three months.

Boo hiss to the yellow van driver in number 3.

And also for number 3 – the 2 illegal parkers in the taxi rank… if you stood there all day you could probably fill up a week’s worth of bad and selfish parking.

johnboy said :

The lead one!

This is what happens when you give a woman too many options…

Spotto #5. Only a clown could manage that.

So which woeful parking was JB refering to on his FB page as being the best ever ?

Green Hyundai, Page 5…. BEST PARKING SPOT EVER!!! I park there all the time when i need to go to the Comm ATM at the Lanyon Shops..

Madam Cholet1:10 pm 08 Oct 13

Can you just tell us which number is Giulia Jones in advance.

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