UPDATE: Thanks to @Giraffe_VCM on Twitter, we received this image of the sign being updated at around 8.30am the day after we first published this story.

UPDATE: A spokesperson for ACT Minister for Roads and Parking Mick Gentleman let us know late this afternoon that staff are working to rectify the misspelled sign situation ASAP.
RiotACT took our first trip down the $288 million Majura Parkway today and learnt three things.
Firstly, it’s a smooth ride with some great views of farmland. The horses between the parkway and Ikea are particularly pretty, and the dedicated cycle path running parallel to the dual carriageway road looks so good I might have to dust off my rusting bike.
Secondly, there aren’t many places to turn around if you decide you want to head back to the airport rather than continue on to Gungahlin or Goulburn. There are a couple of signs flagging upcoming opportunities to cross the median strip and head the other way, but when you reach the turning bays, they’re blocked off with signs warning that they are only for emergency vehicles.
Thirdly, as you see from the picture, the ACT Government needs to replace one of its brand new signs because of a spelling error. Whoops.