The Auditor-General has released her plans for audits in the next coming financial year:
And they are:
- — Capital Metro light rail
— Enlarged Cotter Dam project
— Management of capital works programs
— Alexander Maconochie Centre
That should certainly keep them busy!
UPDATE: The Liberals’ Jeremy Hanson is expressing his joy at these audits:
Jeremy Hanson, Leader of the Opposition, has welcomed the announcement from the Auditor-General that audits will be conducted into the Enlarged Cotter Dam, Capital Metro Light Rail, the prison and other capital works projects across the Territory.
“For years, we have been asking for proper independent investigations into these matters. For years, the Labor Green Government has blocked, opposed and dismissed calls for proper scrutiny,” Mr Hanson said today.
“Just last week, we called on the budget to be reviewed because of the secrecy and lack of detail about these very matters. Andrew Barr bluffed his way through without revealing the detail.
“Now, the Auditor-General will do what the government has refused to do for so long; conduct a full, open and public review into these matters. There is no question these major projects need to be reviewed.