11 December 2012

Vietnamese language classes

| MaliyanJourney
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Cheap plug for a new Vietnamese language course..beginner 1 level at ANU.

Been waiting for something like this for a while.

They need at least 7 to run the class so if you’ve been thinking of travelling to Vietnam and want to have a 1000% better experience with the mostly lovely locals, go to www.anu.edu.au/cce/cecourses/languages.php and scroll waaay down to the botom (V for Viet!).

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MaliyanJourney11:11 am 24 Aug 13

Anyone who has some basic grasp of the language from past study or life experience may be interested to note a Beginning Vietnamese #2 is on offer at ANU starting October. Class needs minimum numbers to proceed so book in quick! No cash gets exchanged for until the class is confirmed, so go ahead register! http://www.anu.edu.au/cce/cecourses/outlines/languages/Beg%20Vietnamese%202.pdf

MaliyanJourney4:15 pm 12 Dec 12

Not sure what happened with that link – probably just copy/paste: http://www.anu.edu.au/cce/cecourses/languages.php

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