24 July 2006

We have a pocket bike club

| johnboy
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You may think that pocket bike riders are morons raised by older, neglectful morons.

Now the ACT’s monkey bikers have formed a club and posted about it on a national morons forum: pocket-bike-racing.com.au.

It has a lovely picture of a particularly ridiculous looking idiot.

They also have a website which doesn’t work: www.actpocketbikeclub.com.

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Maybe the “morons forum” better educates members about where they can race their bikes.

All i have to say is that if they are having fun and not hurting eachother or anyone else, let em be to have some fun. they may look stupid but if it feels good do it.

Absent Diane5:09 pm 26 Jul 06

Yeah i remember when I was I little I used to read to hard and would strain my eyes. Man that really toughened me up… taught me about the real world. Parents are way to soft on their kids 😉

Growling Ferret4:52 pm 26 Jul 06

Exactly Chris

When I was growing up, there was a motorbike park on the site that the Hyperdome now sits on, and the motorcross track on the site that Petes/Canberra International Driving range sits on. You didn’t need a licence, nor was there someone there overseeing proceedings.

Was it safe? Nah, not really. Did it give a venue that was legal to have a fang and take it off the streets – for sure…

I still remember the Weston Creek Billycart Races fondly. Is there anything like that any more, or has the fear of litigation led to a generation of overprotective parents and fat couch potato kiddies?

Oh, bonfire, get off your high horse. When you were a lad, didn’t you get up to all sorts of things? When you’re young, you bounce (well, hope you will, anyhow), and these are memories of a mis-spent youth that are great in later years when you’re having a few beers with your mates.

I remmeber as a kid having great rides around the paddocks on a go-kart with a 500cc Triumph motor. Gear changing was a challenge, as the 1-down, 3-up gearbox had been retained.

Give these kids a place to take their bikes – if the machines are not road legal, then at least they can get some riding experience away from other traffic.

As already noted above, good luck to you – have fun, do it safely, learn some bike riding/repair/maintenance skills, and when you come off, hopefully it doesn’t hurt too much.

and when we have you all in one place we can send the stormtroopers in to solve our problem.

just think if all the energy devoted to monkey bikes could be devoted to umm helping the poor.

i doubt that corporatising your brand will redeem it from the pits of social disdain in which it now resides.

ACT Pocket Bike Club2:27 pm 26 Jul 06

Well thanks for raising the issue johnboy becasue I do agree that the way this hobby has grown in Australia and no less in Canberra has lead to many riding dabgerously, annoying neighbours and bringing in tough laws becasue there has been no where for these people to go.

Our aim is to eliminate this as much as possible. As part of our clubs upstart we will eb using go-kart tracks for our meets until such time as funding can allow us to build our own track, away from neighbourhoods and under controlled conditions.

We’re trying our best and putting more effort into this than anyone else has in Canberra!!


Absent Diane1:55 pm 26 Jul 06

How about this -get pocket dozers AND pocket tanks. Remove residents from any certain suburb. Have fun. As an extra you could have recucumbent bikes running around.

The one eye sees all sunshine.

Best of luck

ACT Pocket Bike Club1:40 pm 26 Jul 06

HEY MATE THANKS FOR THE FREE ADVERTISING ABOUT OUR CLUB!!! It got us on top of google and everything.

The bikes are fun to ride and are a lot safer than than the car you drive (no pocket bike deaths yet but plenty on the roads in cars)

Point is this club is a great thing for Canberra. I’m sick of hearing these things on the streets and am sick of hearing all the bad mouthing about the injuries etc.

We started this club so that we can race under controlled conditions, promote responsibility and safety, and get the bloody things off your streets!!

Thanks once again and PS….how did you find something so niche like our club if you are not involved in the scene??

PSS our site does work (its been updated)…please feel free to visit again

Oh oh can I have a 1/2 track – they are zippy and can go anywhere inflicting maximum environmental impact while doing so( RE Illegal mountain bike tracks ). I guarantee I could outrun a dozer/apc/centurion/panzer etc etc.

Your track could host a tank v recumbent bike showdown, eh Thumper?

I’d say the army will have a few Centurions going cheap before too long, Thumper.

Go you halves?

Dickens Cider11:24 am 25 Jul 06

pocket dozers?

Absent Diane10:52 am 25 Jul 06

I reckon even a bull dozer would be fun…. what about a smash-em-up derby between an unarmed tank and a bulldozer… could be interestingk.

Woody Mann-Caruso10:41 am 25 Jul 06

“Me and my moron mates are into {insert illegal moronic activity here}, and we reckon we should be allowed to be organised, preferably with gubmint funding, so we can carry on with our {insert illegal moronic activity here} on a larger scale. If you don’t, we’ll keep on {insert moronic illegal activity here} in the streets, and somebody could get hurt.”

I’ve got a better idea – you and your fuckhead drag racing / pocket bike riding mates get a free trip to jail, a fine, a confiscated vehicle and a lost license. Maybe once we’ve made an example of a few of you, it’ll keep the rest of you off the streets.

Growling Ferret8:59 am 25 Jul 06

jb – It will allow a percentage that are currently riding on the footpaths to ride in a controlled and legal environment – just like a dragway will take kids from racing on the streets with street meets, and the SDMA hillclimb gives people an opportunity to fang up a closed orad in a safe environment.

ps – Thumper, I couldn’t resist… just winding you up 😉

You think they’re going to stop riding on the footpaths?

Growling Ferret9:55 pm 24 Jul 06

Spectra is on the money – let them organise formal events, race meetings etc – in a safer environment. They could probably use the remote control car track in Kambah, the Canberra Kart Club track, or heaven forbid, be an occasional tenant at the new Canberra International Dragway (cough)

It will keep them off the road (hopefully), and give less opportunity for you/your wife/kids/the riders being injured riding illegally on public roads and footpaths.

I’m no pocket bike fanatic – never ridden one and couldn’t care less – but they are no more stupid than wannabe 250cc Harleys, or 125cc MotoGP replicas. And I remember many years ago reading about pocket bike racing in the States in the 80’s…

Go jump barking toad.

Vic Bitterman9:08 pm 24 Jul 06

The more of these clowns that are bowled over by a speeding Kenworth, the better.

Sick and tired of them buzzing around my neighbourhood.

Also from the FAQ page:
“Who would’ve though pocket bikes would’ve grown to the status they have now become.”


I find it friggin scary that you can get one of those things for “as low” as $200 but it’s hard to get a decent pushy for that much. Can anyone say “Safety plus”?

If you pay them $10 to come to their opening party, you get “free” food and drink! yay!

I don’t know – I think this could actually be a positive thing. A formalised club might mean they encourage people to actually use these things appropriately (ie, on closed circuits with proper safety gear). Then, the only real downside is that they still look like twits, which is hardly something the rest of us should spend time worrying about. If they’re having fun and not hurting anyone, who gives a stuff? It’s only the people who use these things illegally and dangerously that are the problem.

But maybe that’s just me being optimistic.

Looks like fun to me, a motorcycle that fits in the boot, stores in a closet, low cost.
If only I had the time …

Sad to see this group bagging it!

barking toad4:25 pm 24 Jul 06

peas in a pod

pocket- bike riders/recumbent cyclists

What a stupid site. And to hell with the fact that pocket bikes are a) illegal and b) ridden by morons.

LOL they are even asking for a treasurer – how cute

Bloody hell! Welcome to the shallow end of the gene pool…

Look at that guy with his knees stuck out! He looks like a frog on a rock. Pathetic.


See quite a few riding through the ‘no trail bikes’ paths around Melba / Evatt area.

It should set up a chapter in Northern Ireland.

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