I drove down to Weston Park this morning, getting there around 6:15am.
The plan was to try and get some photos amongst the trees in this morning’s fog.
To my surprise there’s a bloomin’ great gate across the entrance blocking off entry to the park.
Helpful government signs tell me the park is closed overnight and I should come back at 7am when if I’m lucky some tax payer funded gate unlocker will have done their job and re-opened the park to car traffic.
Why is the park locked at all?
I could have just as easily walked in or cycled in.
Why are they discriminating against car users? (I could have cycled there from home but that’s not the point).
Does the government suspect the park will be used by car users for nefarious nocturnal naughtiness? Illegal campervan parking? Satanic rituals? (would need to lug all the gear in by car obviously).
Luckily I didn’t have far to drive, but if I had I would have been gutted rather than just annoyed.
I’m right of centre on the political spectrum – but to me this is just another example of government introducing measures that are slowly turning a once free and easy society into an open air prison.