The below information is from the TAMS website:
Project background
Gungahlin Drive is currently experiencing considerable congestion, particularly during peak periods, as traffic accesses the Mitchell commercial and industrial precinct. This traffic congestion is expected to increase as the Gungahlin Town Centre and greater Gungahlin area continue to grow.
In late 2014, engineering and development consultants SMEC were commissioned to undertake traffic modelling and analysis for a range of potential upgrades on Gungahlin Drive. This analysis found an additional southbound lane and intersection upgrades on Gungahlin Drive from Well Station Drive to the Barton Highway to be the best way to address these congestion issues.
Scope of works
Works will involve the construction of an additional southbound lane on Gungahlin Drive from approximately 500 metres north of the Sandford Street intersection through to the Barton Highway off ramp. The widening will predominantly occur in the median.
Minor works at the Well Station Drive/Gungahlin Drive intersection will signalise the left turn out of Well Station Drive and provide a second left turn lane.
Other works will include new and relocated street lighting, adjustment to the shared path south of Sandford Street and stormwater system adjustments.
What do you think about these improvements?
People coming from Palmerston, Nicholls, Ngunnawal seem to be getting screwed over. They now have to wait for an extra traffic light cycle being put in for the wells station to GDE exit lane.
If they had made an exit lane longer than the length of a single car, they wouldn’t have such a problem, as cars would be able to get up to speed and merge.
I also don’t see how putting in an extra lane on the GDE will really help those cars turning left from sandford street exit any faster. So now instead of giving way to two lanes of oncoming traffic, they now have to contend with three lanes of oncoming traffic?
The net result I predict is that there will be a bottleneck where cars are desperately trying to get out of the left lane to avoid turning left onto the Barton Highway exit.