We live next door to a rented property that is tenanted by two blokes with a large dog. The problem we are having is that when said blokes decide to go to the pub after work and not come home for hours the dog barks. And barks, and barks, and barks.
Basically, until someone gets home and lets her in. The other weekend, no one came home…..so you can imagine what sort of night it was.
We have recently placed a complaint with animal services regarding the noise and as part of this have submitted a 10 day dog diary plus extensive details of how the barking affects us and what we have tried to do to resolve it.
I am wondering if anyone else has been through this process and what the outcome was.
What I have found is that we are in the dark as to what animal services are now doing.
They said that they would do spot checks on the property to try to confirm our complaint and also talk to neighbours.
I have no idea if they have done this. All I know is that they confirmed receipt of my documentation.
Can I be assured that they will check the problem out properly and try to be at the property when we suggest the dog barks? And then what happens? What can they do?
I’m not that hopeful, and with summer not that far away, I am really not looking forward to having to open the windows.
Other action we have taken is to talk to their rental agency and to the dog owner himself. The RE pretends to be interested, whilst the owner, to put it bluntly does not have much going on upstairs – and I’m not talking about the house they live in.
I also have concerns that this is a very large and unfriendly dog, (by the owners own admission), and that the RE has been somewhat derelict in their duty in ensuring that the dog is contained on the property. The owner of the dog recently received 64 stitches when his dog got into a scrap with some other large dogs outside the property.
I have a 2 year old son who enjoys pottering around the front yard with me and I am understandably worried that this dog is not trustworthy and that the fence that contains it is not secure enough.
Should I take this concern to the RE? Do they have a duty to ensure that when a dog is allowed on one of their properties that it is secure and that the dog is not a threat? I would say yes, but then again, I’m pretty fed up.
If anyone is able to offer me any light at the end of a very murky tunnel I would really appreciate it.