5 November 2024

Whoever wins in the US, bureaucracies on both sides of the Pacific will have to step up

| Chris Johnson
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Whether Trump or Harris wins, public servants will have their work cut out for them.

Not too long after most Australians rise tomorrow (6 November), polls in the United States of America will be starting to close – it being the evening of Tuesday, 5 November, there.

It says a great deal about the American psyche that a fraudster, rapist and civil inciter has not only made it this far in the presidential race but stands every bit as much chance as his opponent of being elected.

The politics of hate are alive and well in some countries more than they are in others.

While Donald Trump and Kamala Harris remained neck-and-neck in the final stages of the US election, international polling pulled together from credible research companies across the globe shows that in most all other democracies, Trump would not stand a chance.

He’d win in Israel quite comfortably against Harris if an election were held there now, according to the surveys, but would lose in a landslide in all other Western countries.

However, the rest of the world doesn’t get a say in this election, despite the impact the outcome will have on the entire planet.

It is at moments like these that the skills, knowledge and professionalism of bureaucracies should be acknowledged for what they will bring – and what will be expected of them – in preparing for a change in administration.

And not just the American bureaucracy.

For Australia to advance its cause with the US, regardless of who wins the presidency, the public service here will be just as busy.

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If Trump wins, it will take everything the Australian bureaucracy has to keep this nation in the forefront – favourably – in the mind of a megalomaniac concerned primarily with his own importance and survival.

The Australian Public Service, and in particular, the diplomatic elements of it, will be called on to step up.

Let’s not underestimate or devalue the massive amount of work it will take behind the scenes to calm (derail even) some errant thought bubbles in Washington that could have dire repercussions for Australia.

And not just at the purely diplomatic level.

Every APS department has some counterpart in the US with which they interact – and negotiate over policy.

Trade and Defence are the big ones, but there are health policies, environment policies, labour, immigration, the arts even, and so many more where cooperation is vital.

A madman in the Oval Office will require steady hands, sharp minds and quick wits in Canberra to maintain a healthy and respectful bilateral relationship.

What might appear business as usual on the surface will take enormous expertise.

Of course, it won’t be all one-sided. The American bureaucracy will have its work cut out for it, too.

And it, too, is a highly sophisticated machine, used to the comings and goings of administrations from both sides of the political divide.

Beyond the handpicked sycophants that will inevitably be installed at the very top echelons, more reasonable players in the civil service will be working overtime to maintain a semblance of normalcy – domestically and with the US’s international relations.

There is a chance, however, that too much general public trust will be placed in the ‘system’ that ‘won’t allow’ Trump to implement his craziest (evil) plans.

Such complacency could deliver tragic results.

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If Harris wins the election, there will be an initial global sigh of relief (maybe not in Israel and Russia), but following that there will be other considerations for the bureaucracy.

Harris is an unknown. Even as Vice President, she remained somewhat of a mystery.

Experience-wise, she has a long way to go and much to learn.

That is where the US civil service will shine. It’s used to that kind of work.

Dealing with a rookie Commander-in-Chief who isn’t unhinged is a far more palatable and achievable task than the return of an erratic boss bent on vengeance.

And for the Australian bureaucracy?

Dealing with a US administration under Harris and trying to keep the bilateral relationship in shape must seem like a more inviting prospect than the alternative.

Our Prime Minister (whoever that might be next year) will publicly embrace the next US President regardless. It is immensely in Australia’s interests to do so.

So, too, will the public service show outward respect and camaraderie with whichever administration it must deal with post-January’s inauguration.

But everyone knows which will be the easier ride.

We’re all holding our breath.

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Kevin Rudd, the great deleter

So who wants to start the “Deport Kevin Rudd” campaign with me? 🤣

@Ken M
Sure. I’ll happily start that campaign with you as the first to be deported.

PS You do know that there are other emoticons available when you hit Windows + ; – don’t you?

JS don’t read so good.

@Ken M
Ken M don’t write so good (sic)

Once again the polls were wrong. The business model of polling companies is totally unreliable because their sampling techniques and methodology is fundamentally flawed. Lazy journalists rely on polls, then fail to understand why they consistently misread the community.
Also, as shown by this article, much pre-election commentary lacks impartiality and rational journalism, replaced instead with bias, juvenile insults, misleading statements and self delusion that comes from failing to engage with, comprehend or respect diversity of opinions. Journalism based on googling social media echo chambers is even more flawed than polls.

Incidental Tourist10:24 pm 06 Nov 24

Let’s make Canberra great again

Capital Retro9:22 am 07 Nov 24

It never was great.

Of course he won……….What else would you expect from a country where mums and dads take their kids to school with a gun in the car.

RFK Jr in charge of health, he wants to end vaccines…so say hello to polio and the rest.

I get the triumphalism, but Trump’s going to be responsible for all the disasters he’s about to inflict on America and the world as a moron with no checks and balances, no blaming anyone else….it’ll be on Trump. Enjoy the Trump disaster.

Capital Retro5:58 pm 06 Nov 24

A great victory for Trump.
Those of us who support the free world will sleep soundly tonight oblivious to the sound of lefty heads popping.

Yeah it’s looking a bit elitist now to say the majority are all racist garbage. Just as with the resounding result of the Voice referendum, their supercilious worldview has a whiff of Marie Antoinette about it.

Americans are inward looking people. They don’t see that the western world looked to them for leadership in the free world. It’s now up to Europe to take over while the US slowly kills itself.

With no checks on dopey Donald, it’s going to be a shmozzle. The billionaires will get richer, everyone else will get poorer and women will lose rights. It’s going to be a rough two years until the midterms for America assuming there are midterms.

Elf the US are world leaders on freedom of speech, militarily and an economic powerhouse. Absolutely laughable to consider a motley continent comprised of countries that don’t agree among themselves as able to “take over”. What has the EU done in Ukraine as Russia walked all over them and cut off their supply of gas?

Looks like Trump is likely to win it. The independents in Georgia have swung resoundingly in his favour and could be a strong sign of how things will play out in the other key battleground states. Such a relief to be returning to the normality we enjoyed four years ago when there wasn’t war and left wing extremism.

Nick Stevens7:01 am 06 Nov 24

Also says a lot about some sections of Australian society that find comfort in the ramblings of this criminal lunatic champion of the far right.

HiddenDragon7:57 pm 05 Nov 24

Canberrans who are curled up in a foetal position at the thought of four more years of Trump (particularly after the ill-considered comments about him by our now PM and ambassador to the US) could take some comfort from the fact that every reference to Australia in the Project 2025 ‘Mandate for Leadership’ document (which Trump has disavowed, but unconvincingly so) is clearly positive and approving, including this –

“Political ambassadors with strong personal relationships with the President should be prioritized for key strategic posts such as Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United Nations, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).”

Putting aside the entertaining possibility of Ambassador Hulk Hogan enlivening the sleepy Canberra diplomatic scene, comments like that do suggest that Australia will continue to be a priority for the US, whatever happens over the next few days.

Capital Retro8:54 pm 06 Nov 24

Is there currently a USA ambassador in Canberra? What’s his name?

@Capital Retro
Her name is Caroline Kennedy, CR, and believe it or not, she is actually allowed out of the kitchen occasionally!

Capital Retro6:26 pm 07 Nov 24

Hey thanks, JS.
I now remember her as JFK’s daughter. She was actually USA’s Ambassador to Japan under Obama. Has written a lot of books with leftie themes.
Doubt if she has ever ventured to Tuggeranong.
She will be leaving Australia very soon.

@Capital Retro
Perhaps she hasn’t been to Tuggeranong, CR.

However, while Caroline Kennedy has been in Australia, she’s been no stranger to getting off the beaten track for a good cause:
… but I guess you’d just call it a leftie publicity stunt.

Capital Retro2:20 pm 08 Nov 24

I wouldn’t call it a leftie publicity stunt as you obviously see it as JS. She went to Summernats in Canberra last year too so it seems she has a passion for old cars.
I don’t recall any publicity about either event in the MSM.

@Capital Retro
Far from being a stunt, I think it’s a very praiseworthy undertaking by a wonderful representative of the US government – irrespective of her political leanings, which is obviously an issue for you.

Oh and re the MSM … perhaps you actually need to read a bit more:

Capital Retro8:26 pm 08 Nov 24

Those links are both lefty-bias news sources. Of course they would be supporting a lefty.

@Capital Retro
LMAO – oh that’s rich, even for you, CR.

I guess after you woke up from your afternoon nap, you checked RiotACT, saw my post back to you, and immediately set your meter to ‘jaundiced partisan’ mode and started typing.

Otherwise, why else would you assume links to articles, on two NON-POLITICAL events involving Ambassador Kennedy, from MSM sources (because you said they didn’t publicise the events), were in anyway related to, let alone supportive of, left politics?

Can I suggest that in future, you actually revisit the context of the thread, before posting comments which, once again, display your capacity for shooting yourself in the foot?

Holding our breath? Speak for yourself.

TDS turned up to 11.

Trump wants to put a %100 tariff on goods from Mexico and 20% on all imports…what’s deranged is pretending that Trump is not a moron who would cause an economic disaster.

And what happened was an electoral college rout, a possible outright majority, and massive swings to Trump among black and Latino voters. Unequivocally, people have had enough of supercilious prats honking on about how everyone but you are racist garbage.

This is just rot. Talking about stepping up, riotact ought to do better than publish TDS drivel.

The dude sent a mob to the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election, you can knock off the faux outrage champ, your boy is garbage no matter what happens today.

That’s not how democracy works Seano, sorry.

Nice lefty lie Seano. “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” Or just salty tears. Trump will be PM when you wake up tomorrow and there is nothing you can do to change it. Current Vice President Harris and her bedwetter VP couldn’t even get up to face her fans. Sore loser much

Wow – I didn’t realise the US elections were that powerful … so we’ll have a new PM tomorrow?


I don’t what you’re on dude.

Police were literally attacked and they invaded the Capitol after Trump sent them there.

Meanwhile enjoy watching the absolute disaster over the next four years, assuming they don’t move dottery Don on sooner.

Ah, yes triumphalism of the terminally stupid will at least be some solace as dopey Donald sets about destroying the American economy and its social fabric. Meanwhile, I’ll be fine thanks champ.

And what happened was an electoral college rout, a possible outright majority, and massive swings to Trump among black and Latino voters. Unequivocally, people have had enough of supercilious prats honking on about how everyone but you are racist garbage.

Read what you said dude. Is he responsible for what they did after telling them to go peacefully. No comment on the Democrat supporters with their BLM riots burning buildings and looting, killing 20 odd innocent people, injuring hundreds and destroying thousands of businesses. Biden and the left wing media saying nothing about that. Why would you care about police getting injured as the BLM hate police and wanted them defunded. Apart from one policemen the other 5 killed were Republican supporters, compare that to the killings and injuries from the BLM mob.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the last 4 years of the Biden/Harris disaster, Harris and the Democrats pretending that old Joe was Ok and nothing wrong with him until the debate when they couldn’t hide it anymore, then they gave him the big flick, suddenly telling everyone that Joe was not ok. I actually feel sorry for the way they treated Joe, one could call it elder abuse. Even more was the left wing media trying to hide it as well until they couldn’t. Just like I’ll enjoy the meltdown from the left and the media because Donald is President and their poster DEI pick Harris was just not up to it.

He didn’t tell them to go peacefully dude despite your cherry-picked quote, he could have stopped it any time but was happy to watch it on telly. Trump being disgusting is not a defence of anyone else committing crimes.

I haven’t defended Harris or the Dems btw…I actually bet on Trump when they dumped Biden, it was obvious they were in big trouble….I also had the the third horse each way in the cup so it’s been a lucrative few days.

Meanwhile, Trump will be a disaster as he was in 2016 and there will be no excuses. “Only I can fix it”…good luck with that with a moron for President.

Typical leftist response, attack the person not the policies. I guess you think Trump is a war monger too? How many wars under Trump compared to Biden? Trump increased manufacturing and decreased unemployment last time he was in. I notice you’ve said nothing on the BLM debacle, that was far worse, especially in terms of damage, deaths and injuries.
Interesting you’re very vocal on this site, you portray yourself as some kind of political oracle. You had no trouble blaming the Liberals for ACT Labor’s victory, but couldn’t bring yourself to criticise Barr and his cronies, much like you can’t criticse the Democrats under Biden/Harris. They have been a failure and the American public saw through it. They don’t see him as a moron like you do. As for being a disaster manufacturing up, unemployment down, peace deals with the middle east, no world wars… a record the democrats would be proud of.

Capital Retro12:16 pm 05 Nov 24

Thanks for your report Comrade Chris.
Why don’t you do some research into John F Kennedy and Bill Clinton and report back to us?

Capital Retro6:00 pm 06 Nov 24

Clinton video on TV today of him saying “Ah did not have sexual relations with that woman”

It appears Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well in Australia too.

Log off telegram Ken go for a walk and touch some grass mate, there’s no such thing.

@Ken M
Not surprising that someone like you doesn’t recognise how deranged Trump is – with so many examples in his public addresses to prove it.

I simply don’t care about Trump, JS. It amuses me that he lives in the head of people in Australia like yourself and the author of this article 24×7 though.

Imagine my shock that JS and seano would be chronic TDS sufferers. 🤣

Give 1 example? That was taken in context and not edited

OK – Why don’t we start with Trump’s claim that the 2020 presidential election was rigged? Do you need me to provide links to actual quotes from Trump making this assertion?

@Ken M
LMAO … Yep, like a lot of people around the world, I have been following reports on the 2024 US presidential race, but no Trump doesn’t dominate my thinking 24 x 7. Though he did dominate my thinking for the 24 seconds it took me to respond to your post.

Bad orange man is in there rent free.

@Ken M
Well I guess at least, you acknowledge albeit erroneously, I’ve got something in my head … how is little Sir Echo going in yours?

What you have in your head is derangement. The only thing echoing in mine is the wailing of TDS sufferers watching the election results. 🤣

@Ken M
Empty vessels make a lot of noise … I don’t vote in US elections and neither do you – but hey, feel free to keep the noise coming.

They certainly do, as your whining about the bad orange man has shown.

JS ideology in absolute shambles right now. The free world has repudiated the woke left manifesto.

@Sam Oak
The free world, Sam? I must have missed my invitation to vote in the US elections – you obviously got yours.

… oh and thank you for the compliment. I do try to be woke – i.e. alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. Which you would know, as I have called you out for your bigotry in the past.

@Ken M
IMHO Trump is a moron as are his supporters … but I also accept that US citizens have the right to elect who they want. Just as the ACT citizens had the right to elect who they wanted – for those same 4 years.

JS I understand the salt. You’ve lost a key test of ideologies. Trump will be a fair president and a protector of women’s reproductive rights, the right of freedom of speech and religious expression. The progress made on the social issues over the next 4 years will resonate across the world and shake up the political debate on these issues even here in Australia.

If Trump was even half of what you kooks accuse him of, I’d be packing my bags for the US now.

@Ken M
Don’t slam the door on your way out.

@Sam Oak
I haven’t lost anything, Sam.

So, just to clarify, as you obviously have a misconception, I live in Canberra. Here, women’s reproductive rights, especially their rights over their own bodies, are absolutely protected. Also, soon, we will see VAD accessible to Canberrans who choose to avail themselves of it.

Yes, I agree, progress will be “made on the social issues over the next 4 years” in Canberra.

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