3 February 2025

Why own a pet if you’re not committed to their lifetime of care?

| Zoya Patel
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Old dog sleeping

Looking after a pet involves more than just pulling on the walking shoes occasionally. Photo: Kim Treasure.

I had an interesting conversation with my vet recently. Having noticed my dog wasn’t looking comfortable in his legs, I took him in for a proactive checkup.

Charlie is getting on in age and had surgery on his hips five years ago. So we like to make sure he’s doing ok and manage his arthritis.

As we discussed Charlie, I mentioned we do regular physio exercises with him and have done since his surgery. “We’ll book in to take him back to the physio as well,” I told the vet after we had agreed on a medication plan.

“That’s so refreshing to hear,” she replied. “You’d be surprised how few owners are willing to do physical therapy for their pets.”

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This surprised me – physio is the least invasive and most useful way to manage long-term and chronic mobility issues. And given we can do the exercises at home after being taught them in a session with the therapist, it’s also the cheapest.

My vet said for many of the owners she sees, physio is a level of time commitment and effort they’re not willing to undertake. One even said to her that he “can’t be bothered with that”, and preferred to just put his dog onto more aggressive pain medication regardless of the long-term impact.

Here’s what I don’t get – the majority of owners I know with dogs have bought pedigree breeds for sometimes thousands of dollars. And yet, apparently there are plenty out there who aren’t willing to match that financial investment with their time and energy when it comes to keeping their animals healthy.

Pets are lifelong commitments and that means taking care of their physical and mental needs until their lives come to an end. If you buy a puppy and haven’t fully considered the long-term requirements they’ll have – beyond the initial training and integration of a cute fluffy little one into your life – then you’re already doing the dog a disservice.

My conversation with the vet reminded me of a story a friend told about a colleague who spent thousands on a poodle mix, only to discover it had significant genetic abnormalities that would cost another several thousand to treat. Instead of treating the dog, or even surrendering it to a rescue organisation that would manage the treatment (they do exist, believe it or not), she chose to have the dog euthanased. It was a year old at the time.

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This is a great example of treating pets like an accessory or plaything, and forgetting these beautiful, sentient creatures rely on us for their every need and deserve to have those needs met for their whole lives, not just for the period of time that’s convenient to us.

Maybe it’s time we increase the requirements for pet ownership to include some baseline conditions people need to meet – or at least increase education and awareness about what caring for a pet can look like, financially and timewise, over their lifetime.

Pets deserve more from us, and they have so little choice in how their lives play out – the minimum we can do is to think carefully about what we can offer before we commit to them.

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Clare Parkinson7:40 am 06 Feb 25

I’ve just been quoted $9000 for diagnostic treatment on my dog. I think something has broken in the system – specialists are assuming owners have pet insurance so they inflate their prices accordingly.

Incidental Tourist11:57 pm 05 Feb 25

My friend told me that most couples who rented their unit divorced within a couple of years. Couples who were still together two years later were a minority. If today’s people can’t commit to each other why do you expect the same people to commit to pets?

It unfortunately seems like plenty of people buy a dog to cuddle a bit with them a few moments during the day and then leave it in the backyard to bark non-stop for the rest of the day/night

GrumpyGrandpa5:03 pm 05 Feb 25

Where we live, every 2nd person has a dog. We’re getting a bit intolerant of the persistent barking!

We have had pets in the past and all is good, while they are young, healthy and the worst that happens is they leave the “mark” where they have been.

When they get older or have illness, people aren’t prepared for what can be considerable expense.

We loved our pets, but won’t go there again. The financial and emotional cost of losing them us too much.

I just wish owners would cleanup after them. My daily walk in Crace takes me past at least half a dozen bags of dog crap. They obviously went to great trouble to pick it up in the bag, just too irresponsible to take it home to dispose. They shouldn’t own dogs if they can’t do the right thing.

Capital Retro11:41 am 05 Feb 25

Cost me $4000 to get my pughasa’s teeth fixed which was cheaper than getting my lad’s teeth done.
You can get health insurance for pets.

You can get a whole new dog with teeth that work for way less than that.

Pretty poor that the author of this article makes such sweeping generalisations about humans caring (or not) for their pets.

What is the cost of physical therapy? Even if someone has spent a lot on buying the pet, maybe their circumstances have changed and they can’t afford some of the ongoing costs.

Also, in the circumstances where a pet has mobility issues, maybe the owner feels that the pet’s quality of life is poor and it is best to put them to sleep. Who is the author to judge other people’s views and beliefs?

Scott Nofriends1:58 pm 05 Feb 25

Let’s just bash Zoya!
Sure, there are exceptions to every rule but I for one appreciate whenever this Point of View is raised.
If I wrote a similar article, I think I’d be blunter about the type of people that shouldn’t be allowed to take on pets.
Ok, goggles13, now give it to me! If this article saves one pet, I’ll feel it’s worth it.

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